- client: Utilize ox_lib cache system (#263) #263 (FjamZoo)
- ui/radial: Add support for ox_lib radial menu (#268) #268 (Malcolm Keefe)
- tattoos: Tattoos for Build 2802 (TheiLLeniumStudios)
Bug Fixes
- shops: Invalid shop index when rcore tattoos areenabled (TheiLLeniumStudios)
- zones: Removal index error (TheiLLeniumStudios)
- fxmanifest: Remove unnecessary fxmanifest entries (#267) #267 (MTL | Alex)
- framework/esx: Fix loadout bug (#271) #271 (AlfaRP)
- cache: Set ped cache after SetPlayerPed (#292) #292 (iLLeniumStudios)
- locales: Typo in locale keys (TheiLLeniumStudios)
- player: Armour not restoring properly (TheiLLeniumStudios)
- cache/ped: Wait 150ms instead of setting ped cache manually (TheiLLeniumStudios)
- playeroutfitrooms: Invalid reference to the target ped (#293) #293 (iLLeniumStudios)