在window下下载python安装包并安装(会自动安装pip和setuptools,如没有可以下载pip然后安装:python get-pip.py),然后添加脚本(如C:\Python27\Scripts或C:\Python36\Scripts)到系统路径里。以后可以用pip安装package了,如 :
pip install pandas
pip install -U pytest
详情见:Installing Packages.
Installing Python 3 on Windows
How to Install Python on Windows
How To Install Python 3 and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on Ubuntu 16.04
Tutorial - Learn Python in 10 minutes
Python Quick Guide - TutorialsPoint [Python tutorial - TutorialsPoint] (https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/)
The Python Tutorial — Python 3.6.2rc1 documentationl
Python Plotting for Exploratory Analysis
[Transporting vectorized Matlab code to python, numpy] (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24439995/transporting-vectorized-matlab-code-to-python-numpy)
Iterating Over Arrays NumPy - 数组上的迭代 nditer —— numpy.ndarray 多维数组的迭代
Using Python ctypes to link C/C++ library
ctypes — A foreign function library for Python
Logistic regression from scratch in Python
Logistic Regression classifier written in python
some machine learning algorithm from chyikwei
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