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Co-authored-by: shandianchengzi <[email protected]>
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codefashion007 and shandianchengzi authored Nov 11, 2024
1 parent 9d18c3f commit 34e957a
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 99 deletions.
174 changes: 75 additions & 99 deletions sources/aflplusplus/
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@@ -1,183 +1,159 @@
status: translating
status: proofread
title: "Building and installing AFL++"
author: AFLplusplus Community
collector: Souls-R
collected_date: 20240827
translator: codefashion007
translating_date: 20241107
translated_date: 20241108
proofreader: shandianchengzi 
proofread_date: 20241111 
priority: 10
# Building and installing AFL++
# 构建并安装 AFL++

## Linux on x86
## x86 架构的 Linux 上

An easy way to install AFL++ with everything compiled is available via docker:
You can use the [Dockerfile](../Dockerfile) or just pull directly from the
Docker Hub (for x86_64 and arm64):
通过 docker 来安装已经预编译好的 AFL++ 是一个非常简便的方法:
你可以使用 [Dockerfile](../Dockerfile) ,或者直接从 Docker Hub 拉取(适用于 x86_64 和 arm64 架构):

docker pull aflplusplus/aflplusplus:latest
docker run -ti -v /location/of/your/target:/src aflplusplus/aflplusplus
docker run -ti -v /location/of/your/target:/src aflplusplus/aflplusplus 

This image is automatically generated when a push to the stable branch happens.
You will find your target source code in `/src` in the container.
当向稳定的分支推送时,这个 docker 镜像文件就会自动生成。
你可以在容器中的 `/src` 中找到你的目标源代码。

Note: you can also pull `aflplusplus/aflplusplus:dev` which is the most current
development state of AFL++.
注意:你也可以拉取 `aflplusplus/aflplusplus:dev`,这是 AFL++ 的最新开发状态。

If you want to build AFL++ yourself, you have many options. The easiest choice
is to build and install everything:
如果你想自己构建 AFL++,你有很多选择,其中最简单的就是构建并安装所有的东西:

NOTE: depending on your Debian/Ubuntu/Kali/... release, replace `-14` with
whatever llvm version is available. We recommend llvm 13 or newer.
注意:根据你的 Debian/Ubuntu/Kali/... 版本,将 `-14` 替换为任意的 llvm 可用版本。我们推荐使用 llvm 13 或者更新的版本。

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev automake cmake git flex bison libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev python3-setuptools cargo libgtk-3-dev
# try to install llvm 14 and install the distro default if that fails
#尝试安装 llvm 14,如果失败则安装默认的发行版
sudo apt-get install -y lld-14 llvm-14 llvm-14-dev clang-14 || sudo apt-get install -y lld llvm llvm-dev clang
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-$(gcc --version|head -n1|sed 's/\..*//'|sed 's/.* //')-plugin-dev libstdc++-$(gcc --version|head -n1|sed 's/\..*//'|sed 's/.* //')-dev
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build # for QEMU mode
sudo apt-get install -y cpio libcapstone-dev # for Nyx mode
sudo apt-get install -y wget curl # for Frida mode
sudo apt-get install python3-pip # for Unicorn mode
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build #用于 QEMU 模式
sudo apt-get install -y cpio libcapstone-dev #用于 Nyx 模式
sudo apt-get install -y wget curl #用于 Frida 模式
sudo apt-get install python3-pip #用于 Unicorn 模式
git clone
cd AFLplusplus
make distrib
sudo make install

It is recommended to install the newest available gcc, clang and llvm-dev
possible in your distribution!
推荐在你的发行版中尽可能地安装最新且可用的 gcc,clang 和 llvm-dev!

Note that `make distrib` also builds FRIDA mode, QEMU mode, unicorn_mode, and
more. If you just want plain AFL++, then do `make all`. If you want some
assisting tooling compiled but are not interested in binary-only targets, then
instead choose:
请注意,`make distrib` 也会构建 FRIDA 模式,QEMU 模式和 unicorn 模式等。如果你想要的就是普通的 AFL++ ,就执行 `make all`。如果你想要一些已经预编译的辅助工具,但是对那些只针对二进制的不感兴趣,那么你可以选择这个来替代:

make source-only

These build targets exist:

* all: the main AFL++ binaries and llvm/gcc instrumentation
* binary-only: everything for binary-only fuzzing: frida_mode, nyx_mode,
qemu_mode, frida_mode, unicorn_mode, coresight_mode, libdislocator,
* source-only: everything for source code fuzzing: nyx_mode, libdislocator,
* distrib: everything (for both binary-only and source code fuzzing)
* man: creates simple man pages from the help option of the programs
* install: installs everything you have compiled with the build options above
* clean: cleans everything compiled, not downloads (unless not on a checkout)
* deepclean: cleans everything including downloads
* code-format: format the code, do this before you commit and send a PR please!
* tests: runs test cases to ensure that all features are still working as they
* unit: perform unit tests (based on cmocka)
* help: shows these build options

[Unless you are on macOS](,
you can also build statically linked versions of the AFL++ binaries by passing
the `PERFORMANCE=1` argument to make:

* all:主要的 AFL++ 二进制文件和 llvm/gcc 插桩
* binary-only:仅限于二进制模糊测试的所有内容:frida 模式,nyx 模式,qemu 模式,frida 模式,unicorn 模式,coresight 模式,libdislocator,libtokencap
* source-only:用于源代码模糊测试的所有内容:nyx 模式,libdislocator,libtokencap
* distrib:所有内容(包括仅二进制和源代码的模糊测试)
* man:从程序的帮助选项中创建简单的手册页
* install:安装你用上述构建选项已经编译好的所有内容
* clean:清理所有已编译的内容,不包括下载内容(除非你不在任何一个 checkout 版本中)
* deepclean:清理包括下载的所有内容
* code-format:在你提交和发送 PR 之前,请格式化代码!
* tests:运行测试用例来保证所有的功能都能够正常工作
* unit:运行单元测试(基于 cmocka)
* help:展示构建选项

[除非你使用的是 macOS 系统](,否则你还可以通过传递 `PERFORMANCE=1` 参数给 make 来构建 AFL++ 二进制文件的静态链接版本:


These build options exist:

* PERFORMANCE - compile with performance options that make the binary not transferable to other systems. Recommended (except on macOS)!
* STATIC - compile AFL++ static (does not work on macOS)
* CODE_COVERAGE - compile the target for code coverage (see [](../instrumentation/
* ASAN_BUILD - compiles AFL++ with address sanitizer for debug purposes
* UBSAN_BUILD - compiles AFL++ tools with undefined behaviour sanitizer for debug purposes
* DEBUG - no optimization, -ggdb3, all warnings and -Werror
* LLVM_DEBUG - shows llvm deprecation warnings
* PROFILING - compile afl-fuzz with profiling information
* INTROSPECTION - compile afl-fuzz with mutation introspection
* NO_PYTHON - disable python support
* NO_SPLICING - disables splicing mutation in afl-fuzz, not recommended for normal fuzzing
* NO_UTF - do not use UTF-8 for line rendering in status screen (fallback to G1 box drawing, of vanilla AFL)
* NO_NYX - disable building nyx mode dependencies
* NO_CORESIGHT - disable building coresight (arm64 only)
* NO_UNICORN_ARM64 - disable building unicorn on arm64
* AFL_NO_X86 - if compiling on non-Intel/AMD platforms
* LLVM_CONFIG - if your distro doesn't use the standard name for llvm-config (e.g., Debian)
* PERFORMANCE - 编译带有性能选项可以使二进制文件不会迁移到其它系统。推荐(除了在 macOS 上)!
* STATIC - 编译 AFL++ 的静态链接(不要在 macOS 上进行)
* CODE_COVERAGE - 编译目标以测试代码覆盖率(详见 [](../instrumentation/
* ASAN_BUILD - 编译并启用地址 sanitizer,用于调试
* UBSAN_BUILD - 编译 AFL++ 工具,并启用未定义行为的 sanitizer,用于调试
* DEBUG - 没有优化,-ggdb3,对所有的警告使用 -Werror
* LLVM_DEBUG - 显示 llvm 弃用警告
* PROFILING - 编译 afl-fuzz 并包含性能分析信息
* INTROSPECTION - 编译 afl-fuzz 并包含变异自省(mutation introspection)
* NO_PYTHON - 禁用 python 支持
* NO_SPLICING - afl-fuzz 中禁用拼接变异,不推荐用于普通的模糊测试
* NO_UTF - 在状态界面(status screen)中不要使用 UTF-8 来行渲染
* NO_NYX - 禁用构建 nyx 模式依赖
* NO_CORESIGHT - 禁用构建 coresight(仅限于 arm64 架构)
* NO_UNICORN_ARM64 - 在 arm64 架构中禁用构建 unicorn
* AFL_NO_X86 - 如果在非 Intel/AMD 平台编译
* LLVM_CONFIG - 如果你的发行版没有使用 llvm-config 的标准名字(例如 Debian

e.g.: `make LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-14`
例如:`make LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-14`

## macOS on x86_64 and arm64
## x86_64 arm64 架构上的 macOS 系统

macOS has some gotchas due to the idiosyncrasies of the platform.
macOS 系统由于其平台的特殊性,存在一些需要注意的细节。

macOS supports SYSV shared memory used by AFL++'s instrumentation, but the
default settings aren't sufficient. Before even building, increase
them by running the provided script:
macOS 系统支持 AFL++ 插桩使用 SYSV 共享内存,但是默认设置的内存是不够的。在构建之前,可以通过运行提供的脚本来增加它们:

sudo afl-system-config

for documentation for the shared memory settings and how to make them permanent.
[]( 中可以看到关于共享内存设置以及如何使它们永久生效的文档。

Next, to build AFL++, install the following packages from brew:
接下来,为了构建 AFL++,需要从 brew 安装以下包:

brew install wget git make cmake llvm gdb coreutils

Depending on your macOS system + brew version, brew may be installed in different places.
You can check with `brew info llvm` to know where, then create a variable for it:
根据你的 macOS 系统和 brew 的版本,brew 可能会安装在不同地方。
你可以通过使用 `brew info llvm` 来检查它所在的位置,然后为它创建一个变量:

export HOMEBREW_BASE="/opt/homebrew/opt"


export HOMEBREW_BASE="/usr/local/opt"

Set `PATH` to point to the brew clang, clang++, llvm-config, gmake and coreutils.
Also use the brew clang compiler; the Xcode clang compiler must not be used.
设置 `PATH` 以指向 brew clangclang++llvm-configgmake coreutils
还要使用 brew clang 编译器;不能使用 Xcode clang 编译器。

export PATH="$HOMEBREW_BASE/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:$HOMEBREW_BASE/llvm/bin:$PATH"
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++

Then build following the general Linux instructions.
然后按照通用的 Linux 指令进行构建。

If everything worked, you should then have `afl-clang-fast` installed, which you can check with:
如果所有东西都正常工作,你应该已经安装了 `afl-clang-fast`,你可以通过以下方式检查:

which afl-clang-fast

Note that `afl-clang-lto`, `afl-gcc-fast` and `qemu_mode` are not working on macOS.
注意 `afl-clang-lto``afl-gcc-fast` `qemu_mode` macOS 上并不能正常工作。

The crash reporting daemon that comes by default with macOS will cause
problems with fuzzing. You need to turn it off, which you can do with `afl-system-config`.
macOS 默认的自带的崩溃报告守护进程会导致模糊测试出现问题。你需要关掉它,你可以用 `afl-system-config` 来完成。

The `fork()` semantics on macOS are a bit unusual compared to other unix systems
and definitely don't look POSIX-compliant. This means two things:
与其它 Unix 系统相比,macOS 系统上的 `fork()` 语句有一点不寻常,并且看起来并不遵守 POSIX 标准。这意味着两件事:

- Fuzzing will be probably slower than on Linux. In fact, some folks report
considerable performance gains by running the jobs inside a Linux VM on
- Some non-portable, platform-specific code may be incompatible with the AFL++
forkserver. If you run into any problems, set `AFL_NO_FORKSRV=1` in the
environment before starting afl-fuzz.
- 模拟测试可能会比在 Linux 上慢一点。实际上,一些人报告说在 macOS 上运行 Linux 虚拟机可以获得显著的性能提升。
- 一些非可移植的、平台特定的代码可能与 AFL++ 的 forksever 不兼容。如果你遇到了任何问题,在启动 afl-fuzz 之前,在环境中设置 `AFL_NO_FORKSRV=1`

User emulation mode of QEMU does not appear to be supported on macOS, so
black-box instrumentation mode (`-Q`) will not work. However, FRIDA mode (`-O`)
works on both x86 and arm64 macOS boxes.
用户模拟模式的 QEMU 在 macOS 上不受支持,所以黑盒插桩模式 (`-Q`) 不会正常工作。然而,FRIDA 模式 (`-O`) 在 x86 和 arm64 macOS 上都可以正常工作。

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