- minishell
- Making own shell like bash. I named it as 'MONGSHELL' :)
- Used C language, termcaps library.
- Learned about bash working process dealing with folking processes, making pipe, execve, signal..
- As this subject was team project, I worked with eunhkim
- Setting up a web server with Nginx, which is able to run several services-WordPress, phpMyAdmin and MySQL at the same time.
- Used Docker.
- Learned about the docker.
- "Realistic" 3D graphical representation of the inside of a maze from a first person perspective.
- Used C language, minilibx library.
- Learned about the Ray-Casting principles.
- Functions which returns a line read from a file descriptor, without the newline.
- Used C language.
- Learned about static variable, static structure.
- Library that contains ft_printf, a functions that will mimic the real
. - Used C language.
- Learned about variable argument, test-driven development and refactoring.
- Library that contains ft_printf, a functions that will mimic the real
- Libft
- My own library, containing an extract of important functions for my cursus.
- Used C language.
- Learned about linked list.