This repository is a personal practice for UC Berkeley CS61B sp18, data structure course.
Detail info and spec at:
Library & data:
All implemented code should pass corresponding test. I have not try auto grader, though you can find it at autograder_samples-master folder.
Intellij is used to build and complie all those codes.
Please feel free to connect me if you have any question or find some bug.
Many thanks to the instructor josh hug and Berkeley for the great course and made it open source.
name | Content | finished |
ec1 | unkown | N |
hw1 | Java Syntax | N |
hw2 | union set | Y |
hw3 | hashing | Y |
hw4 | BFS, A* for puzzle solver | Y |
hw5 | Seam Carving | N |
hw6 | Boggle | N |
hw7 | Huffman Coding | N |
proj0 | queque | N |
proj1A | Deque | Y |
proj1B | Apply Deque | Y |
proj1gold | junit | N |
proj2 | build a maze game using simple data structure like list | Y |
proj3 | back-end of map application using OSM and implement graphics | N |
lab1 | setup computer | Y |
lab2 | int list | Y |
lab2setup | setup intellij | Y |
lab3 | junit | N |
lab4 | code review | N |
lab5 | play with tile engine | Y |
lab6 | game UI, implement a type game | Y |
lab7 | No lab | |
lab8 | No lab | |
lab9 | BST map and hash map | Y |
lab10 | Heap Min PQ | Y |
lab11 | BFS, DFS, A* | Y |
lab12 | Merge, Quick sort | Y |
lab13 | Radix sort | Y |
lab14 | Fractal Sound | N |
lab15 | HugLife | N |