Wordpress object-cache.php drop-in for Memcachier over plain Memcache protocol.
It should be copied into /wp-content/
This object-cache.php file can will make the original Memcached drop-in by Ryan Boren, Denis de Bernardy and Matt Martz work with Memcachier.com's Memcache-as-a-service product.
Memcachier has built a clever authentification system which increases the Memcache instance's data safety, without requiring the more recent ALSL authentification protocol. This was handy for me since I had some system which were still running old PHP libraries.
in object-cache.php, the modification is trivial. Right after the initial connection ->addserver(), the PHP code needs to send the credential with
This assumed that wp-config.php has been edited to add your credentials obtained from Memcachier's dashboard.
in wp-config.php, it would look like this:
global $memcached_servers; $memcached_servers = array('default' => array('aaaa.bbbb.cccc.datacenter.memcachier.com::11211')); define('MEMCACHIER_USER', 'xxxxxx'); define('MEMCACHIER_PASSWORD', 'yyyyy');
Make sure that you add these lines ABOVE these lines
/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */ if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) define('ABSPATH', dirname(FILE) . '/');
/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */ require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');