Go to Settings -> Package Settings -> CPParser -> Settings and add your directory paths.
Only Codeforces & Codechef are supported as of now I'll be adding support for other sites soon, please create an issue if you want to request support for a site.
This ST4 plugin functions as follows:
- Accepts a problem URL like https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1900/D.
- Parses the URL to extract the problem code.
- Generates a new .cpp file using a predefined template.
- Parses testcases on Codeforces & Codechef in CPPFastOlympicCoding format, so if you're using CPPFastOlympicCoding testcases will be automatically added.
Upon installation, configuring settings (such as defining the default directory and snippets) is advised default path is ~/Documents/CPParser
- Tools -> CP Parser -> New Problem
- Command Palette -> search CP Parser: Parse New Problem
You can access keybindings through Preferences > Key Bindings and add your Key Bindings like the following
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+x"], "command": "cp_problem" }
- Codeforces
- Codechef