Vendored WAF
Not much insight
Limited API
- Mix of NGINX and Apache
95% Java apps
All T1s cannot read/write from data tier
Many will write event to queue, or comm with SaaS
- "A user is attempting to log in"
95% Java apps
One of 2 tiers that can access data we store
Vendored DB
Insight is costly, so limit use
Vendored Queue
Insight possible, just never taken advantage of
95% Java apps
Primary tier related to writing new data/events
Vendored SaaS (honestly, could be some other internal team with an API)
Insight not possible, or very limited
how do we enrich services we own ??
- e.g. java app
how do we enrich services we do NOT own, but have access to underlying APIs ??
- e.g. RDS
how do we enrich services we do NOT own AND have a limited API ??
- e.g. imperva WAF
is this a tool that would be a replacement for traditional server monitoring ??
- e.g. nagios // USE stats
IF so, how would that be done ??
is there alerting ??
how is alerting managed ??
what delivery options are there ??
- e.g. email, slack, SMS
personal dashboards ??
shareable, community dashboards ??
shareable, team only dashboards ??
CRON report generation and delivery options
- e.g. send PDF, via email, once a week to XYZ ??
is there SSO capabilities ??
what controls does one have over access to the various components ??
how are keys created/issued/expired ??
300+ mil events ingested everyday
230+ mil PROD events ingested everyday