A collection of scripts to run when our Amazon Dash buttons are pressed.
Dependencies: Python 3+
phue https://github.com/studioimaginaire/phue - sudo pip3 install phue
amazon-dash - sudo pip3 install amazon-dash
tcpdump - sudo apt-get install tcpdump python-scapy
Argument Documentation -lights A string of the lights name, or a list of light names. Case sensitive. -lights "Tyler Living room" "Tyler Hallway" ==> ["Tyler Living room", "Tyler Hallway"]
-groups A string of a group name, or a list of group names. Case sensitive. -groups "Alex Room" "Tyler Room" ==> ["Alex Room", "Tyler Room"]
-action The action you wish the lights+groups to perform. Not case sensitive. Actions "On" "Off" "Toggle" Toggle will either turn the lights OFF, or to the specified color
-color The color you want the action to be performed with. Color is in HSV 0-360 0-254 0-254 H S V
-Fade How long you want the action to take in seconds
CLI Example: hue_cli.py -groups "Alex Room" "Hallway" "Living Room" -lights "Tyler Hallway" -action "on" color 180 255 255
How to set up Daemon: Make sure the permissions on the amazon-dash.yml are the following, or else IT WILL NOT RUN: View content: owner, change content: nobody, execute: nobody Open the amazon-dash.yml, and add your button, name, and CLI command Run "sudo amazon-dash run" in the directory with the amazon-dash.yml