Web interface for biomaj (https://github.com/genouest/biomaj)
Javascript dependencies are downloaded help with bower (see next). Dependencies are listed in biomajwatcher/webapp/bower.json.
Install npm (apt-get install npm/ yum install npm)
in biomajwatcher/webapp
npm install -g bower
bower install
Configuration is done in development.ini or production.ini
global_properties = PATH_TO_BIOMAJ_global.properties
# List of user ids with admin priviledges.
# Users need to be create or be ldap users if ldap
# is configured in global.properties
admin = admin, jdoe
# Celery configuration over mongodb, mongodb url
BROKER_URL = mongodb://localhost/biomaj_celery
python setup.py develop
pserve development.ini
gunicorn -p /var/run/gunicorn_bmaj.pid --log-config=production.ini --paste production.ini &
Web server will start to listen on port 6543 by default. Update ini files to customize web configuration.
To allow banks update/removal by authenticated user, Celery is needed. Celery can run on same node, or multiple distant ones to execute bank updates.
pceleryd development.ini/production.ini
One can use flower to monitor celery.
python db/seed.py --config global.properties --user yyy --pwd xxxx
The old API interface (/BmajWatcher/GET) is still available. A new REST interface is available but we kept the old one for compatibility for other tools. The old interface does not take advantage of the new features however.
You can easily customize the look of the watcher. Theme is pure CSS and CSS giles are available in directroy biomajwatcher/webapp/app/styles. CSS are based on Bootstrap 3. You may also need to override some directives from app.css according to your theme (font color...)
If you want to customize the theme, create a new theme CSS file (with an other name), and update the reference to "path_to_styles/theme.css" to your new file in biomajwatcher/webapp/app/index.html.
In index.html you can also add your logol, chnage header etc...
/bank : list of banks
/bank/:id : details of bank
/bank/:id/status: current status of the bank
/bank/:id/config: properties of the bank
/bank/:id/log/:sessionid : log file of the session
/search: search in banks with GET parameter "q=query", query follows Lucene syntax
/search/format/:format: get banks having format
/search/type/:type: get banks having type
/search/format/:format/type/:type : get banks having format and type
/stat : get banks disk usage
Signin image from http://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/google-style-login