Tensorboard, refactoring and bug fixes
WARNING: This version contains breaking changes, please read the full details
- Renamed DeepQ to DQN breaking changes
- Renamed DeepQPolicy to DQNPolicy breaking changes
- fixed DDPG behavior breaking changes
- changed default policies for DDPG, so that DDPG now works correctly breaking changes
- added more documentation (some modules from common).
- added doc about using custom env
- added Tensorboard support for A2C, ACER, ACKTR, DDPG, DeepQ, PPO1, PPO2 and TRPO
- added episode reward to Tensorboard
- added documentation for Tensorboard usage
- added Identity for Box action space
- fixed render function ignoring parameters when using wrapped environments
- fixed PPO1 and TRPO done values for recurrent policies
- fixed image normalization not occurring when using images
- updated VecEnv objects for the new Gym version
- added test for DDPG
- refactored DQN policies
- added registry for policies, can be passed as string to the agent
- added documentation for custom policies + policy registration
- fixed numpy warning when using DDPG Memory
- fixed DummyVecEnv not copying the observation array when stepping and resetting
- added pre-built docker images + installation instructions
- added
argument in the predict function - added assert in PPO2 for recurrent policies
- fixed predict function to handle both vectorized and unwrapped environment
- added input check to the predict function
- refactored ActorCritic models to reduce code duplication
- refactored Off Policy models (to begin HER and replay_buffer refactoring)
- added tests for auto vectorization detection
- fixed render function, to handle positional arguments