is a telescope.nvim extension,
that allows running tasks directly from the telescope prompt and displaying their
definitions and outputs in the telescope's previewer.
The demo uses the default generators for
use {"lpoto/telescope-tasks.nvim"}
Plug "lpoto/telescope-tasks.nvim"
First setup and load the extension:
require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
-- NOTE: this setup is optional
tasks = {
theme = "ivy",
output = {
style = "float", -- "vsplit" | "split" | "float"
layout = "center", -- "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "center"
scale = 0.4, -- output window to editor size ratio
-- NOTE: layout and scale are only relevant when style == "float"
-- Directory to store the modified commands data to.
-- Set it to false to disable saving modified commands.
data_dir = Path:new(vim.fn.stdpath "data", "telescope_tasks"))
-- other picker setup values
-- Load the tasks telescope extension
require("telescope").load_extension "tasks"
See Generators on how to generate tasks.
Then use the extension:
:Telescope tasks
or in lua:
NOTE: See Mappings for the default mappings in the tasks prompt
The last opened output may then be toggled with:
You may either use the Default Generators, or add Custom Generators.
Key | Description |
<CR> |
Run the selected task, or kill it if it is already running. |
<C-a> |
Run the selected task, but allow modifying the command before running it. |
<C-o> |
Display the output of the selected task in another window. |
<C-d> |
Delete the output of the selected task. |
<C-k> |
Scroll the previewer up. |
<C-j> |
Scroll the previewer down. |
<C-q> |
Send a task's output to quickfix. |
NOTE modified command will be saved, so the next time you run the same task, the modified command will be used.