A state management with react context for apps which using hooks. Acutely, react-principal is a wrapper for react context with better developer experience. High performance since provided observed connect to context. It's useful for global state management and complex component state.
React-Principal internally used React.reducer for state.
Before any think you should know react reducer pattern.
import { createStore, Provider } from "react-principal";
const store = createStore({ reducer, initialState });
function Component() {
const { foo, bar } = store.useState();
const dispatch = store.useDispatch();
return (
{foo} {bar}
// you can define the provider top of any where, which you want to use a store
function App() {
<Provider store={store}>
<Component />
const { foo, bar } = store.useState(["foo", "bar"]); //define states which you want to update when they changed. if is not defined store listen to whole states change
// Divided dispatch from state for performance, because dispatch function never change
const dispatch = store.useDispatch();
Visit Examples folder for more understand react-principal usage
A simple Todo list App
/// wrap reducer with
const reducer = persistReducer((state, action) => {
// some reduce
// config a persister
const persister = persisterCreator(
window.localStorage, // or react-native asyncStorage
({ todos }) => ({
todos, // persist just todos
export default () => {
const storeRef = useRef();
// you can save ref in global place for access to state and dispatch out of children components like `storeRef.current.state`
// Doesn't need middleWare like redux, storeRef working vary well
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
// for catch state changes
<App />
This component is for organization providers
function App() {
return (
<ProvidersList providers={[Provider1, Provider2, Provider3]}>
React-principal has a command for auto generating store
$ generate-store <destination>
--type=<local | global> Default is global, local is using with useReducer
For example:
$ generate-store ./src/store
Generate a sample store into src/store
$ generate-store ./src/myComponent
Generate a sample reducer action for using in useReducer into src/myComponent