Community packages are being discontinued now that Rebar3 and its Hex support is reaching maturity. Existing packages will be continued to be maintained but will eventually be phased out, new packages will not be added. To request ownership of a package email [email protected] or open an issue here.
Hex community are packages the community maintains on Hex.
A package may be maintained by the community because the project authors have not yet published it to Hex.
Community packages are added to this repository as a mixfile with metadata describing the project and how to fetch it. To add a package or add a new version of a package simply send a pull request with the necessary changes to the package mixfile. When the pull request is merged the package will be published.
If your project have been published to Hex through Hex Community and you want to take over ownership send an email to [email protected] with your Hex user details and the admins will transfer the package after verifying your ownership.
Instructions for adding a new package to Hex or releasing a new version of a package.
Clone and enter the forked repository
git clone [email protected]:myself/community.git && cd community
Create the package file if it does not exist
touch packages/the_package.exs
Edit the package file (see below for example file)
vim packages/the_package.exs
Check out new branch
git checkout -b add-the_package
git commit -a -m "Add the_package"
git push -u origin add-the_package
Send pull request
Please include, in the pull request, why you want the package published and which package(s) is going to depend on it. When the pull request has been merged the package will be published to Hex.
defmodule ThePackage.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
[app: :the_package,
version: "1.2.3",
deps: deps,
description: description,
package: package,
fetch: fetch]
# List of Hex dependencies, return empty list if package has no dependencies
defp deps do
[{:other_package, "~> 1.0"}]
defp description do
A few paragraphs describing of the package.
defp package do
[contributors: ["Eric Meadows-Jönsson", "José Valim"],
licenses: ["Apache 2.0"],
links: %{"GitHub" => ""},
files: [...]] # make sure to add all files necessary for mix to compile the package here. (e.g. rebar.config)
# Metadata for finding the package that will be published
# Currently the only supported scm is :git
# A :tag or :ref option is required, it should match the version of the
# project that should be published
defp fetch do
[scm: :git,
url: "git://",
tag: "v1.2.3"]