This is an assignment for CoderSchool Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp, code name Virgil
Outcome :
- Able to use JS to access and manipulate dom to create/edit/render elements to the UI
- Able to read the API documentation and configure appropriate HTTP requests.
- Able to understand and consume HTTP response's data into the project
- Holiday API Documentation
- Exercise walkthrough: "Rendering a list of countries code"
As the covid situation is subsiding, more and more countries are open their border for travelers. There is no better time to travel away from work and even home during your holidays. There is! When it is also holidaying time in your getaway destination.
John Doe is an office worker who loves to travel. For this year (2023) he is planning to visit England to visit his family and friends. He wants to know what are holidays will occur during his visit so that he could also enjoy those special occasions.
So John went on all holidays
- our website - to find out about what holidays will be happening in England during his journey.
As a new front-end developer, you are given a back-end API Holiday and required to build a front-end web application. To help users like John to :
- See all holidays in any chosen country. Hint: you need to help user to choose the correct country code first because users like John will have no idea what is the code for ENGLAND
- See all country's code to use for searching holidays.
- Can enhance the search by choosing the exact day, month.
- Can translate the name of the country's holiday to their preferred languages. Hint: you need to help the user to choose the correct languages code in prior
- See all languages code to use for translation.
- Can use holiday name, country to find the exact day that holiday occurred.
! Please read the API documentation carefully before implementing any features. Pay attention to REQUIRED PARAMETER/QUERIES in your API documentation.
Make the function for the
Render Languages List
button so that :- When click, showing a full list of languages code list that is available
- The list items are properly placed inside the
Languages List
Make the function for the
Render Holiday
button so that when clicking:- If all input boxes are empty, render a list of holidays of
hint: country code needed for the year2023
- If ONLY Country box is input with correct country code, render a list of holidays of that country for the year
- The title
Holiday of a Country
must be changed to the actual country requested. eg, Holiday of Viet Nam; USA; China ... - The list items are properly placed inside the
Holiday of a Country
- If all input boxes are empty, render a list of holidays of
Improve your
Render Holiday
function so that :- When adding
Day, Month
then clicking the button, the user sees a list of holidays of the chosen country (default is Viet Nam) for that exact day. - When other inputs (Country, Languages) are present, the result is combined with all the queries.
- When adding
Improve your
Render Holiday
function so that :- When adding
Holiday name
, the user sees a list of matching holidays of all countries (Carefully read the API documentation for request's required parameters )
- When adding
- For clarity, for request all holidays of a country we must specify A country. Thus requesting such endpoint REQUIRED a country code.
- However, when requesting a list of 1 specific holiday across all countries, we should remove the country query out.