Software required
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Oracle database 18.3
Oracle APEX 19.1
Oracle ORDS 19.1
Software zip files location
Oracle database 18.3 is defined in env $ORACLE_SW
Apex 19c is defined in env $APEX_SW
ORDS 19c is defined in env $ORDS_SW
Installation (as root)
git clone
Oracle-database-apex-installation/setup env
Oracle-database-apex-installation/setup apexlocal (for POC)
Oracle-database-apex-installation/setup apexords (for PROD)
Usage: setup [env|sw|db|apexords|apexlocal|clean]
env Collect user inputs and create env file
sw Install Oracle 18c softwrae only
db Install Oracle 18c, configure Oracle Listener and create container and pluggable databases
apexords Perform sw, db and apex with ords built
apexlocal Perform sw, db and apex with xdb http
clean Delete Oracle 18c, account, groups
Apex Login page
http://localhost:8080/apex or
Apex admin login
Workspace: internal
Password: changeme123
Installation location
Oracle database software is defined in env $ORACLE_HOME
Oracle Apex is defined in env $APEX_HOME
DB Instances
Defined in env $CDB
Defined in env $PDB
Start service (execute as oracle user)
Stop service (execute as oracle user)