A plugin for Eclipse (m2e) to support AssertJ assertion generation in Maven projects.
The current version 0.6.0 supports m2e 1.8 and thus eclipse Oxygen.
Source folders: Automatically configure the source folders for the generated assertion classes.
Refresh: Automatically refresh the generated assertion classes upon source changes.
The plugin starts in the "Maven->Update Project Configuration..." cycle. (Rightclick on the Project->Maven->Update Project Configuration...).
The plugin is activated for any Maven Project that uses assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin:generate-assertions.
IMPORTANT: The Plugin onlys works, when you don't ignore the M2E-Connector for assertj-assertions-generator-maven-plugin. When you have added an ignore to your POMs or the eclipse preferemces, you need to remove them.
- 0.1.0: initial version
- 0.2.0: compatibility with eclipse Neon
- 0.3.0: trigger refresh on pom change
- 0.4.0: use target/test-classes instead of target/classes as output location for generated sources
- 0.5.0: fix #1 - NPE during import
- 0.6.0: fix #2 - add support for eclipse Oxygen