Blogger-cli is primarily a conversion tool. So the blog management is more like config holder for your website's folder.
'blogs' need to be registered first. You can do so by:
blogger addblog <blogname>
You will be asked a series of questions you can answer them or skip over them using 'n' Similarly, if you want to avoid getting asked these questions and only want to register a blog use
blogger addblog <blogname> -s
You can always set up configs later
A registered blog has number of configs that you can edit.
'blog_dir': This is the main folder of your website. This folder is not used to store converted Html blogs since it is treated as a root website folder. eg values: '~/my_website_folder/', 'C:\Useres\Desktop'
'blog_posts_dir': This is the folder you want to keep your converted blog posts in. It is specified with respect to blog_dir folder (root dir).
Example values: 'blog/', 'posts/'.
Do not use '/' in front of folder name like '/blog/'. It conveys a different meaning.
'blog_images_dir': Where you want to store the images that we extract for you from Http/s URLs and data URI in your post. The path value is relative from root dir (blog_dir) same like blog_posts_dir. Images will be stored in folders with the same name as your blog title and If you have a topic then it will be used too. like topic/blog_title/.
Example values: 'images/blog/', 'images/', 'blog/images/'.
For sites like Github pages, you need to keep the 'images' folder in the root folder of your website.
'disqus_username': If you have a Disqus account you can enter the username here and the commenting system will work on every post. You can get it from Disqus account URL. eg 's username will be 'badboy11'.
'google_analytics_id': It is a snippet provided by Google to analyze your website's traffic. Sign in and get a snippet and you can get id from that snippet. eg: 'UA-159824128-0'
'templates_dir': It is the directory where you can override default Html templates to suit your needs. More info here.
To edit all configs in bulk, you can run:
blogger setupblog <blogname>
To skip without making any changes, type 'n' and press enter. To delete a VALUE from config, type one or many space and press enter.
Use 'blogger info' command to view all config options for a blog then,
blogger config -b <blogname> [config option] [value]
The config command allows you to manage configs in more flexible way. It allows you to set every configurations like advanced configs
To view a value of a config,
blogger config -b <blogname> [config option]
If nothing shows up. Your value is empty.
To view all configs of blog use
blogger info <blogname>
Similarly to delete a config,
blogger config -b <blogname> -rm [config option]
You can remove a default property of blog as well.
blogger config -b <blogname> -rm default
You can also restore blog configs of a blog that you exported using export command
blogger config -b <blogname> -re <config_filename>
Never use config to add a default property to a blog to make it default instead use setdefault command.
You can view these configurations from
blogger info --all
The use cases of these configs have been specified here.
To set a blog as the default, use:
blogger setdefault <blogname>
Once a blog is set as default you do not need to specify a blog or -b parameter to ANY commands!. If you want to set another blog as the default, use:
blogger setdefault <anotherblogname>
Everything will safely be handled. If for some reason you don't want to set any blog as default use config command to delete the default property. Similarly, if blog 'A' is default you can specify -b option in command for operating on other blogs.
You will lose everything if you do so.
blogger rmblog <blogname>
It only accepts one blog at a time.