You can customize the default CSS by simply going to the 'css' folder in your blog folder and changing it. Yeah, that's it. For adding new CSS, fonts, js files see below in adding snippets. Look here for adding new.
Templates are code snippets that are inserted to the HTML while converting your files.. eg disqus.html and google_analytics.html are template files that store respective snippets.
First export all templates to your blog's root dir
blogger export blog_template
or specify other folder using -o option. A _blogger_templates folder should appear.
Now add this folder's full path to your blog's config
blogger config -b <blogname> templates_dir /path/to/dir
Every template except layout.html are small building blocks(snippets) and layout.html is the collector that arrange these snippets.
To add a new snippet, just create any files with .html extension in the templates folder. Then update the 'layout.html' file.
Suppose you create footer.html snippet then you open the layout.html and place {{ snippet.footer }} before closing body tag or wherever you want to add this snippet.
You are free to edit the default templates and changes will be reflected. However, if you mess up you can always again export blog_template from the above process.
You may want to edit navbar_data.html. Here is what the default looks like:
"Home": "../index.html",
"Blog": "index.html",
"Projects": "../projects.html/"
You can add more nav links or remove existing BUT make sure everything is inside DOUBLE QUOTES (") and not single quotes and do not put a comma at the end of the last item.
It is also a good idea to override layout.html as you have read this in here. You can add snippets you want by using {{ }} anywhere you want!
To make your indexes compatible. You just need to wrap your blog's post lists in a div with class 'posts_list'. Blogger reads this div by default. However, you can control hat div class should blogger lookup by setting 'index_div_name' to your div class name.
blogger config -b <blogname> index_div_name posts
Now blogger will look for div with class 'posts' instead!
To modify what happens when each file is added to index you have to modify li_tag.html template. Here is the default content.
<li><a href="{{ }}">{{ snippet.title }}</a> </li>
You have meta variable access so you can set date in your post meta and reference it by here.
<li><a href="{{ }}">{{ snippet.title }}</a> ({{ }}) </li>
You can have logic and variables in the blog_templates for dynamic template generation. Blogger-cli uses jinja2 templating engine. So, please look up to jinja2 documetation.
Variables The variables are referenced using {{ var }} syntax.
Logic code Logic code are written inside
{% %} \\some\\code\\ {% %}
brackets. Well basic logic like if statements, for loop, while loop etc are available.
eg: if else
{% if var %}
{% elif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
for loop
{% for i in var %}
{% endfor %}
{% for i,j in zip(var.a,var.b) %}
{% endfor %}
You can execute any python codes and use logic any way you like inside {% %} in any templates. You have 2 variable access.
snippet: This is only available in layout.html through this you can access any other snippet file's content along with the title and file link.
meta: Meta is available in every template. You write the meta in your post and use it in the template. It's entirely your implementation. More info on meta is here
config: You may see config variable used in some templates eg disqus.html it just make disqus_username and google analytics id accessible for templating and IT IS NOT AVAILABLE in other templates except disqus.html and google_analytics.html
You can access 'meta' class from any custom templates and inbuilt templates. Just add something in your meta and reference it with {{ meta.var }}
eg I write an md file
topic: python
date: 3 May
Now I can refer it in templates.
Date: {{ }}, topic: {{ meta.topic }}
Registering new CSS or js files. Just open css.html file or js.html file in the editor and edit the source.
Default css.html
{% if meta.topic %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/css/custom.css" />
{% else %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/css/custom.css" />
{% endif %}
Default js.html
<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
You can add additional links for new file you make.