Quiz application developed with Videogular. Videogular documentation can be found at http://www.videogular.com
The file 'data/quizCollection.json' contains quiz data.
The quiz plugin accepts JSON data. The JSON structure should be as:
"time": --(int) -> Second to pause the video and show quiz--,
"params": {
"index": --(int) -> Quiz index. Must match the order of quiz appearance.--,
"id": --(long) -> Quiz identificator--,
"question": --(string) -> Quiz question--,
"answers": [
"id": --(int) -> Answer identificator. Should be unique--,
"text": --(string) -> Answer text--,
"isCorrect": --(boolean) -> Only if answer is correct --
"time": 18,
"params": {
"index": 2,
"id": 2,
"question": "Who was elected president of Spain in 2011?",
"answers": [
"id": 1,
"text": "Mariano Rajoy",
"isCorrect": true
"id": 2,
"text": "Zapatero"
"id": 3,
"text": "Pablo Iglesias"
quizz.css can be found at folder styles.