$ cd tvc-telemtry
$ cd app
$ npm run dev
$ cd tvc-telemetry
$ node server.js
- react, react-dom, react-router-dom
- electron, electron-builder (packages and builds electron), electron-is-dev (debugging)
- wait-on (so webpack server runs before electron)
- concurrently
- express
- socket.io, socket.io-client
- serialport
- iconify/react, iconify-icons/flat-color-icons
- install the React dependencies
npm i react
- create the react app by running
npx create-react-app app
- then, change directory into
and install the Electron, wait-on, and concurrently dependencies - to create routers to different pages, use the BrowserRouter libraries from
- in the index.js file where we are rendering the React DOM, wrap the contents in <React.StrictMode> in a
tag - this lets you use URLs to route to different components, using
as well - then, create an 'electron' directory and a main.js file inside
- in the main.js, we can create the browser window and port to localhost in development mode
- next, add scripts in the package.json:
- "dev": "concurrently "npm start" "wait-on http://localhost:3000 && electron .""
- this starts the react app, and waits for this app to render in localhost before running electron to make sure electron renders the app correctly at the same time
- "ebuild": "npm run build && node_modules/.bin/build"
- builds the electron app in the right path
- "dev": "concurrently "npm start" "wait-on http://localhost:3000 && electron .""
- add a .env file to pass environment variables, containing one line:
- this file lives on the top of the directory, outside of the app directory
- install dependencies
npm i serialport
- set port name (can either read as argument, or manually "COM3")
- create a port with the port name and baud rate; make sure it matches with the c file
- need a parser (not the direct port) that read the serial data from so our messages don't get split up with each read
- parser checks for newline character to end message
- two actions: on 'open' and 'data', use this data for socket.io
- install dependencies
npm i socket.io
- when creating an http object, make sure to enter in the correct directory of the output file for socket.io - _dirname + '/file.js'
- now to create the server app, use http.createServer()
- for html files, Content-Type is text/html
- for React projects, Content-Type is application/json
- IMPORTANT: now we create the socket.io object...MUST set a cors parameter with the site where the project will be hosted since the React app needs permission from CORS in order to accept data from the server
var io = require('socket.io')(app, {
cors: {
origin: "http://localhost:3000"
- io.on() receives messages from the frontend
- io.emit() sends messages to the frontend
- when sending messages, must be in string or JSON format so use toString() or toJSON() functions
- indicate a different port for data transmission between client + server since port 3000 hosts the React app
- first, install the socket.io-client library into the app directory
- import the useEffect and useState components from React
- to use socket.io to receive data on the frontend, import the socketIOClient from the socket.io-client
- create a constant variable that holds the endpoint of where the data is streaming through, i.e. localhost with port 4001
- useState to create a setResponse function with an empty value
- then, useEffect to setResponse whenever a "portData" message is received
- need to modify the scripts and dependencies for nodejs
- there are two
files: one for creation of the React and server.js files, and one for running the Electron+React joint app
- this file is located on the top of the directory, outside the React app directory
- create a new configuration called "proxy" to the localhost, this lets the server accept requests from localhost
- this file is located inside the React app directory
- add two configurations at the top of the file to reroute the build to the electron app:
"homepage": "./"
"main": "./electron/main.js"
- to use icons (such as for the battery symbols), install the "iconify" specific "iconify-icons/flat-color-icons" dependencies into the "app" directory of the project
npm i @iconify/react @iconify-icons/flat-color-icons
- then to use an icon, just import the library and icon into the component file
import { Icon, InlineIcon } from '@iconify/react';
import highBattery from '@iconify-icons/flat-color-icons/high-battery';
<Icon icon={highBattery} />