- The High Frequency Radar Map web application displays surface current vector overlays gathered from data across the coastlines of California from SCCOOS, the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System.
- Users can also manipulate features of the map, such as distance resolution, finding specific coordinates, and even changing the color scheme of the vectors!
- For the best mobile experience, it is recommended to add the site to your home screen:
- iOS - Click the "share" button on the bottom center menu of Safari, and scroll down to "Add to Home Screen"
- Android - Click the three dots in the top right corner of Google Chrome, and scroll down to "Add to home screen"
- Google Maps Javascript API
- HFRADAR Maps API: http://cordc.ucsd.edu/projects/mapping/api/
- UIKit CSS Component Library
- http-server to host server for site testing
created by Heather Dinh