Question: Does media representation of dogs correlate with American Kennel Club popularity?
There are 2 loose files in this repo:
- my reproducing Jupyter notebook
- this manifest file
- Contains clean dataset file
- Updated resume/CV
- Summary slide
- Contains 2 Excel files that were original iterations of what my final dataset would look like.
- The first, Combing_Dog_Data, uses the entire AKC popularity rankings
- The second, labeled FilteredDog_Dataset_Combined, lists only the 24 dog breeds that would be run through the Wikipedia API code
This folder contains the data documentation assessment information
- README markdown files for each of my cleaned datasets
- README markdown files for my final dataset
This folder contains the final dataset as well as analysis creation materials
- My in-class presentation
- Jupyter notebook detailing final dataset creation
- My final dataset
- Jupyter notebook detailing clustering on the final dataset
- Excel file with the graphs I created from clustering the data
This dataset is no longer in use
- Contains hand-compiled cleaned dataset
This dataset is no longer in use
- Clean dataset folder: Excel files from OpenRefine after the cleaning process was complete
- Raw dataset folder: the .txt files that containt text copy/pasted from the XPath Helper results
- Image of the XPath code I used to extract data
- Combined PuppyBowl data file
- .py file with code used to tally how many times each breed was mentioned in the combined data file
- Raw dataset
- Cleaned dataset
- Elizabeth's API code
- The list of 24 filtered dogs that I searched
- A .py file I created for combining all of the resulting JSON files
- My final Wikipedia dataset (labeled "allresults_nov7.csv")
- A folder containing all 24 JSON files from the filtered dog list
This dataset is no longer in use