Simple display helpers for the inuitcss framework.
With npm
npm i inuit-displays -S
With bower
bower install inuit-displays --save
You can download the latest version or checkout all the releases here.
Sample examples here:
<!-- Hide on all -->
<div class="u-hide"></div>
<!-- Hide on mobile and show on tablet and upper -->
<div class="u-hide u-show@tablet"></div>
<!-- Hide on mobile and show on tablet and upper with `display: inline;` -->
<div class="u-hide u-display-inline@tablet"></div>
<!-- Show on mobile and hide on tablet and upper -->
<div class="u-hide@tablet"></div>
You can imagine the other variations.
You can import this plugin into a project sample code like this:
@import "node_modules/inuit-displays/inuit-displays.scss";
You can override settings with writing your custom definitions before import plugin.
Default display properties here:
$inuit-displays: (
) !default;
If you want to use just none
and block
write these definition before import inuit-displays:
$inuit-displays: (
) !default;
If you want add new display values like table
, table-cell
, inherit
, etc. you can:
$inuit-displays: (
) !default;
Also you can use some alias for display values:
$inuit-display-aliases: (
none: hide,
block: show
) !default;
If you want you can add new aliases like these:
$inuit-display-aliases: (
none: hide,
block: show,
table: tb,
table-row: tr
table-cell: td
) !default;
Finally you can disable aliases with this:
$inuit-display-aliases: false;
or completely disable inuit-displays with this:
$inuit-displays: false;
before import inuit-displays.
First of all install dependencies with:
npm install
That's it.
Build and watch with this:
or only build with this:
gulp build
You can run unit tests with this command:
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.