An implementation of FAB on the LLVM.
To run this code, you'll need to have installed:
- LLVM, built as a shared lib (
./configure --enable-shared
) - JRuby 1.6 (easiest to install with rvm,
rvm install jruby
) - the FFI gem, after switching to jruby with
rvm jruby
,gem install ffi
- the llvm-ruby library
And to run it, type:
rvm jruby; ruby -J-classpath 'src:src/frontend.jar:.' sandbox/integration.rb
- /bm : benchmarks
- /examples : FAB example files
- /ref : the reference implementation
- /sandbox : experiments
- /src : the project
- ✔ document how to run it
- ✔ makefile for
- Matthaus Litteken [email protected]
- Eric O'Connell [email protected]