There are six DPSleep modules. They are run in tandem. Their dependencies are:
- MATLAB >= 2017a
- Python >= 3.6
- pandas
Make sure you have the stated MATLAB and Python
Install Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, clone this repository:
git clone
Individual module scripts are
. Learn more about them below.
- The Raw data is saved as a
file with the following naming format
STUDTY_left wrist_WATCHID_YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss.csv.gz
- The Data has the following format:
- 100 rows of metadata
- Actigraphy data from row 101 with the following columns:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss:mmm|accel_x(g)|accel_y(g)|accel_z(g)|light(lux)|button(0-1)|temperature(deg.C)
The output directory can be edited. The default is
and the files are saved asmtl1_YYYY_MM_DD.csv
This step is the longest part of the pipeline and it can take hours per subject. Running that in parallel for different subjects of a study is recommended to reduce the execution time.
After this step run dpsleep-freq step
The default is that the pipeline runs for the new
files. The --ext_mode
be [ new, all, specific ]
. If all
, it runs for all the files in the subject
folder. If specific
the files after --ext_date
argument is analyzed.
# To generate reports under every subject's processed directory in PHOENIX --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for every subject and save them in ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1 --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL
# or --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for STUDY_A's subject B under ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --study STUDY_A --subject B --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders --study STUDY_PILOT --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories
# Define extract mode and date --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_extract --data-dir GENERAL --ext-mode specific --ext-date YYYY-MM-DD
For more information, please run -h
To run the freq pipeline, make sure that you have time files saved in mtl1. To do so, you need to run the dpsleep-extract pipeline first.
The output is saved as mtl2_YYYY_MM_DD.mat per day.
After running this pipeline you should run dpsleep-act.
# The default is that the pipeline runs for the "new" files. The --ext_mode can be [new, all, specific]. If "all" it runs for all the files in the subject folder. If "specific" the files after --ext_date argument is analyzed.
# To generate reports under every subject's processed directory in PHOENIX --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for every subject and save them in ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1 --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL
# or --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for STUDY_A's subject B under ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --study STUDY_A --subject B --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders --study STUDY_PILOT --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories
# Define extract mode and date --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_freq --data-dir GENERAL --ext-mode specific --ext-date YYYY-MM-DD -h
Before this Step, make sure to run 'dpsleep-extract' and 'dpsleep-freq'. Folders mtl1 and mtl2 contain daily time data and minute-based frequency spectrum data files.
This step performs the main analysis on the data that was explained with firgure 1 in the paper including:
- Watch-off Remove
- Activity Score Classification -> Outputs color-coded activity score daily map in mtl3 folder STUDY-SUB-geneactiv_mtl3p.png
- Activity Level Classification -> Outputs color-coded activity level daily map in mtl3 folder STUDY-SUB-geneactiv_mtl3act.png
- Sleep and Nap Epochs Estimation -> Outputs Raw Sleep and Nap estimation in mtl3 folder STUDY-SUB-geneactiv_mtl3ss.png
The output data is saved as a MATLAB file: STUDY-SUB-geneactiv_mtl3.mat
After this step even if you don't have phone data, jump to step #5 and run dpsleep-sync. If you have phone data, you can use other processing pipelines such as dplocate (skipped step #4) and integrate the phone with actigraphy data.
# To generate reports under every subject's processed directory in PHOENIX --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_act --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for every subject and save them in ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1 --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_act --data-dir GENERAL
# or --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_act --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for STUDY_A's subject B under ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --study STUDY_A --subject B --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_act --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders --study STUDY_PILOT --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_act --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_act --data-dir GENERAL -h
You can run this step imediately after "dpsleep-act" step #3 without having the phone data (no step #4)
The output is saved in processed/mtl5
After this step, you should run dpsleep-qcact pipeline.
# To generate reports under every subject's processed directory in PHOENIX --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_sync --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for every subject and save them in ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1 --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_sync --data-dir GENERAL
# or --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_sync --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for STUDY_A's subject B under ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --study STUDY_A --subject B --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_sync --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders --study STUDY_PILOT --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_sync --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_sync --data-dir GENERAL -h
Before this step, make sure to run "dpsleep-sync", "dpsleep-act", and all previous steps. Input to this pipeline is from mtl3 and mtl5
Output is saved in mtl6 as a pdf file
After this step, run dpsleep-upact
# To generate reports under every subject's processed directory in PHOENIX --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_qcact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for every subject and save them in ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1 --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_qcact --data-dir GENERAL
# or --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_qcact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for STUDY_A's subject B under ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --study STUDY_A --subject B --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_qcact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders --study STUDY_PILOT --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_qcact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_qcact --data-dir GENERAL -h
- Make sure to run the "dpsleep-qcact" pipeline before this step
- Run this step after doing Quality Control on "dpsleep-qcact" results and saving the .csv file with adding "_qcd" to the name
- The output is saved as a .csv file in mtl7 with all sleep parameters
# To generate reports under every subject's processed directory in PHOENIX --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_upact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for every subject and save them in ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1 --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_upact --data-dir GENERAL
# or --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_upact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for STUDY_A's subject B under ~/dp_test1 directory --output-dir ~/dp_test1/ --study STUDY_A --subject B --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_upact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders --study STUDY_PILOT --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_upact --data-dir GENERAL
# To generate reports for subject A and subject C in STUDY_PILOT under their processed folders
# Define the PHOENIX, consent and MATLAB directories --study STUDY_PILOT --phoenix-dir /data/PHOENIX --consent-dir /data/PHOENIX/GENERAL --mtl-dir MATLAB_DIRECTORY --subject A C --data-type actigraphy --pipeline geneactiv_upact --data-dir GENERAL -h