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Merge pull request #19 from harphub/develop
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andrew-MET authored Feb 2, 2024
2 parents a2d26fe + 17e9631 commit 27a6a82
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Showing 5 changed files with 299 additions and 53 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: harpCore
Title: Core functions and methods for the harp ecosystem
Version: 0.2.1
Version: 0.2.2
person("Andrew", "Singleton", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: harp is a collection of packages for reading, analysing and
Expand All @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Imports:
dplyr (>= 1.1),
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ S3method(geo_points,harp_grid_df)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ export(geo_opts_xsection)
Expand Down
265 changes: 223 additions & 42 deletions R/geo_transform.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1075,6 +1075,168 @@ geo_transform.harp_geolist <- geo_transform_all
#' @export
geo_transform.harp_grid_df <- geo_transform_all

# Reproject point data #

## Helper function to get the projection
get_projection <- function(x, caller = rlang::caller_env()) {

if (is_geolist(x) || meteogrid::is.geofield(x)) {

if (meteogrid::is.geodomain(x)) {

if (is.list(x) && !is.null(names(x)) && names(x)[1] == "proj") {

if (is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && substr(x, 1, 6) == "+proj=") {

classes <- cli::cli_inform("")
types <- "a proj string or a meteogrid proj list"
"Unknown type for {.arg proj}",
"i" = "{.arg proj} must be a {.cls geofield}, {.cls geodomain}, {.cls geolist},",
"i" = "{types}."
call = caller

## Helper function to fix column names
fix_col_names <- function(col_names, x_col, y_col) {
new_names <- gsub("projected_", "", col_names)
if (
length(which(new_names == x_col)) > 1 ||
length(which(new_names == y_col)) > 1
) {

#' Reproject from or to lat-lon coordinates
#' @param x A data frame
#' @param proj The projection. Can be a `geodomain`, a `geofield`, a `geolist`,
#' a projection string or a meteogrid projection list. When `inverse = FALSE`,
#' this is the projection to which locations in lat-lon coordinates are
#' reprojected, and when `inverse = TRUE`, this the projection from which
#' locations in projected coordinates are reprojected to lat-lon coordinates.
#' @param x_col,y_col The names of the columns containing the x and y
#' coordinates to be reprojected. For `inverse = FALSE`, these should be
#' longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. For `inverse = TRUE`, these
#' should be eastings and northings in metres.
#' @param crop When `proj` is a `geodomain`, `geofield` or `geolist`, set to
#' `TRUE` to crop the reprojected locations to only those locations within the
#' domain.
#' @param inverse Set to `TRUE` to reprojected from projected coordinates to
#' lat-lon coordinates. The default is `FALSE`
#' @return The input data frame with new columns for the reprojected
#' coordinates. The projection is added as an attribute. If the data are
#' cropped, the domain is also added.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' geo_reproject(station_list, det_grid_df$fcst)
#' # Crop to domain
#' geo_reproject(station_list, det_grid_df$fcst, crop = TRUE)
#' # inverse projection
#' projected <- geo_reproject(station_list, det_grid_df$fcst)
#' geo_reproject(
#' projected, det_grid_df$fcst, x_col = x, y_col = y, inverse = TRUE
#' )
geo_reproject <- function(
x, proj, x_col = "lon", y_col = "lat", crop = FALSE, inverse = FALSE
) {

#' @export <- function(
x, proj, x_col = "lon", y_col = "lat", crop = FALSE, inverse = FALSE
) {

x_col <- rlang::ensym(x_col)
y_col <- rlang::ensym(y_col)

proj_list <- get_projection(proj)

x <- dplyr::mutate(
projected = meteogrid::project(!!x_col, !!y_col, proj_list, inverse)

x_col_out <- "projected_x"
y_col_out <- "projected_y"
if (inverse) {
x[["projected"]] <- dplyr::rename(
lon = dplyr::all_of("x"),
lat = dplyr::all_of("y")
x_col_out <- "projected_lat"
y_col_out <- "projected_lon"

x <- tidyr::unnest(x, dplyr::all_of("projected"), names_sep = "_")

if (!inverse) {
attr(x, "projection") <- meteogrid::proj4.list2str(proj_list)

if (!crop) {
colnames(x) <- fix_col_names(colnames(x), x_col, y_col)

if (
!is_geolist(proj) &&
!meteogrid::is.geodomain(proj) &&
) {
"For {.arg crop = TRUE}, proj must be a",
"{.cls geofield}, {.cls geodomain}, or {.cls geolist}"

colnames(x) <- fix_col_names(colnames(x), x_col, y_col)

dom_ext <- meteogrid::DomainExtent(get_domain(proj))

x <- dplyr::filter(
dplyr::between(.data[[x_col_out]], dom_ext[["x0"]], dom_ext[["x1"]]),
dplyr::between(.data[[y_col_out]], dom_ext[["y0"]], dom_ext[["y1"]])

colnames(x) <- fix_col_names(colnames(x), x_col, y_col)
attr(x, "domain") <- get_domain(proj)

#' @export
geo_reproject.harp_df <- function(
x, proj, x_col = "lon", y_col = "lat", crop = FALSE, inverse = FALSE
) {

# Make a domain #
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,22 +1307,21 @@ tranverse_mercator <- function(ref_lon, ref_lat, tilt) {
#' This function is used to define a new domain with a regular grid. At a
#' minimum, the projection, geographic location of the centre of the domain and
#' number of horizontal resolution of the grid points must be provided.
#' number and horizontal resolution of the grid points must be provided.
#' @param proj The projection of the domain. See details.
#' @param centre_lon The longitude of the centre of the domain in decimal
#' degrees.
#' @param centre_lat The latitude of the centre of the domain in decimal
#' degrees.
#' @param proj The projection of the domain. This can be the name of the
#' projection or a projection string.
#' @param centre_lon,centre_lat The longitude and latitude of the centre of the
#' domain in decimal degrees.
#' @param nxny The number of grid points in the x and y directions. Should be a
#' vector of length 2 with the number of grid points in the x direction first.
#' If only 1 value is given it is assumed to be the same in both directions.
#' @param dxdy The horizontal resolution of the grid in the x and y directions.
#' For lat-lon projections this should be in decimal degrees, otherwise should
#' be in metres. Should be a vector of length 2 with the resolution in the x
#' direction first.
#' @param ref_lon The reference longitude of the projection if needed.
#' @param ref_lat The reference latitude of the projection if needed.
#' @param ref_lon,ref_lat The reference longitude and latitude of the projection
#' if relevant to the projection. Ignored if `proj` is a projection string.
#' @param exey If defining a grid with an extension zone, a vector length 2 with
#' the number of grid points in the x and y directions of the extension zone.
#' If only 1 value is given it is assumed to be the same in both directions.
Expand All @@ -1178,6 +1339,13 @@ tranverse_mercator <- function(ref_lon, ref_lat, tilt) {
#' dd <- define_domain(0, 0, c(360, 180), 1, "latlong") # Whole earth
#' plot(dd)
#' # Pass the projection as a proj string
#' dd <- define_domain(
#' 10, 60, 1000, 2500,
#' proj = "+proj=lcc +lon_0=15 +lat_0=63.3 +lat_1=63.3 +lat_2=63.3 +R=6371000"
#' )
#' plot(dd)
define_domain <- function(
Expand All @@ -1196,22 +1364,31 @@ define_domain <- function(
) {

proj <- match.arg(proj)
proj <- switch(
"lambert" = "lcc",
"mercator" = "merc",
"lalo" = ,
"longlat" = "latlong",
"omerc" = ,
"somerc" = "tmerc",
"rot_longlat" = ,
"rot_latlong" = ,
"RotLatLon" = "ob_tran",
"stereo" = ,
"stereogrpahic" = "stere",
is_proj_str <- FALSE
projTry <- try(match.arg(proj), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(projTry, "try-error")) {
if (length(proj) == 1 && substring(proj, 1, 6) == "+proj=") {
is_proj_str <- TRUE
if (!is_proj_str) {
proj <- match.arg(proj)
proj <- switch(
"lambert" = "lcc",
"mercator" = "merc",
"lalo" = ,
"longlat" = "latlong",
"omerc" = ,
"somerc" = "tmerc",
"rot_longlat" = ,
"rot_latlong" = ,
"RotLatLon" = "ob_tran",
"stereo" = ,
"stereogrpahic" = "stere",

if (length(nxny) == 1) nxny <- rep(nxny, 2)
if (length(dxdy) == 1) dxdy <- rep(dxdy, 2)
Expand All @@ -1234,25 +1411,29 @@ define_domain <- function(
exey <- correct_length(round.POSIXt(exey))

projection <- switch(
"lcc" = list(
proj = proj, lon_0 = ref_lon,
lat_0 = ref_lat, lat_1 = ref_lat, lat_2 = ref_lat
"merc" = list(
proj = proj, lon_0 = ref_lon
"tmerc" = tranverse_mercator(ref_lon, ref_lat, tilt),
"latlong" = list(proj = proj),
"ob_tran" = list(
proj = proj, o_proj = "latlong",
o_lat_p = -ref_lat, o_lon_p = 0, lon_0 = ref_lon
"stere" = list(proj = proj, lon_0 = ref_lon, lat_0 = ref_lat)
if (is_proj_str) {
projection <- meteogrid::proj4.str2list(proj)
} else {
projection <- switch(
"lcc" = list(
proj = proj, lon_0 = ref_lon,
lat_0 = ref_lat, lat_1 = ref_lat, lat_2 = ref_lat
"merc" = list(
proj = proj, lon_0 = ref_lon
"tmerc" = tranverse_mercator(ref_lon, ref_lat, tilt),
"latlong" = list(proj = proj),
"ob_tran" = list(
proj = proj, o_proj = "latlong",
o_lat_p = -ref_lat, o_lon_p = 0, lon_0 = ref_lon
"stere" = list(proj = proj, lon_0 = ref_lon, lat_0 = ref_lat)

projection <- c(projection, list(R = R, ...))
projection <- c(projection, list(R = R, ...))

res <- list(
projection = projection, nx = nxny[1], ny = nxny[2],
Expand Down
24 changes: 14 additions & 10 deletions man/define_domain.Rd

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