DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) This repository contains C++ implementations of various data structures and algorithms.
Current Status
This repository is currently under development. While C++ files are being actively added, Java and Python implementations are forthcoming.
Planned Additions
Java Files: Implementations of the same data structures and algorithms in Java will be added in the future. Python Files: Implementations of the same data structures and algorithms in Python will be added in the future. Contribution
We welcome contributions in all three languages (C++, Java, Python). If you have an implementation you'd like to share, please submit a pull request.
Getting Started
To compile and run the C++ code, you'll need a C++ compiler like GCC or Clang. Once you have a compiler set up, you can navigate to the directory containing the C++ file and compile it using a command like:
Bash g++ your_file.cpp -o your_program Use code with caution. This will create an executable file named your_program that you can run using the following command:
Bash ./your_program Use code with caution.