Arduino codes for random motor and random blinking for products which can be ported to AVR and miniaturised for sale. Codes written by Harish Ravi from 2019 and always developing.. The recently uploaded sort random is best..
When there are 10 LEDs blinking randomly at selection and time of blink and color its very grand and rich. On off can be done by animals but random nos generation is advanced human.
LCD fun and teach might be most fun! Initial LCD codes didn't have delay but later ones have delay to answer. International languages in english are required if fractional numbers aren't used for multiplication and exponent like Class X1 and X2
Auto problems display in scientific calculators or brick game consoles based on a button like LCDFunandteach would be a great sale including integrands exponents etc.
I made a mistake by not mailing to a few profs and friends other than team the AVR obstacle and trech avoider pet/rover code with 2 motors and 2 look front and 2 look down sensors with interrupts in 2007. A rover has to use a 4x4 for sandy terrain as torque from back wheel to front wheel is too high to provide before slipping due to low friction.
I also forgot to email the c code for image processing based sorter to friends and my project profs after competition.( I don't have that code now thus and I could have got some brownie points it was a visial studio code directly on pc and not on AVR just saying).