The original data was downloaded from GTEx portal:
The processed data is available at
The original count data was downloaded from:
The original metadata was downloaded from:
The original count data was downloaded from GEO:
The original HuRI protein-protein interaction data was downloaded from:
The original regulatome data was curated using the code from:
The curated data is available at
The transcription factor gene list was downloaded from:
cor_est: remove batch effect, calculate the correlation matrix using GTEx data and adjust the correlation matrix
signal_ridge: ridgeplot showing the distribution of correlations for genes across different expression levels of GTEx data
corplot: boxplot for the relationship of IQR of correlations and expression levels
slope_min_IQR: scatter plot showing the relationship between the IQR of correlation and the expression level of GTEx data
qqplot: Q-Q plot showing the distribution difference of correlations between different expression levels of GTEx data
scRNA: ridgeplot of scRNA-seq example data
exp_signal: visualize the weighted distribution of expressions of genes, with the weight decided by the number of estimated co-expression partners, where co-expression signals are decided by setting a threshold on the absolute correlation
graphical_lasso: visualize the expression bias on co-expression network constricted by graphical lasso
PPI: visualize the weighted distribution of expressions of genes, with the weight decided by the number of interacting proteins of the corresponding protein, according to PPI database
bias_regulatome: visualize the weighted distribution of expressions of genes, with the weight decided by the number of interacting proteins of the corresponding protein, according to regulatome database
TP_Partition: compare the true positive of co-expression estimation before and after applying SpQN, conditional on the gene expression level, where co-expression signals are decided by setting a threshold on the absolute correlation, and the gene pairs corresponding to the interacting protein pairs in PPI were used as ground truth
TF_TP: compare the TF-related true positive of co-expression estimation before and after applying SpQN, conditional on the gene expression level, where co-expression signals are decided by setting a threshold on the absolute correlation, and the gene pairs corresponding to the interacting protein pairs in PPI were used as ground truth
functions: functions used in the visualization, batch effect removal and correlation matrix adjustment
scatter_nsampple_IQR: scatter plot showing the change IQR of correlations with the change of the number of PCs removed from the data
TF: visualize the number of predicted co-expressions among TF-related edges
drosophila: explore the mean-correlation relationship of drosophola developmental RNA-seq data
VST: examine the mean-correlation relationship after applying VST on the expression data
combat: examine the mean-correlation relationship after applying combat on the expression data
pool_tissues: examine the mean-correlation relationship for the GTEx data concatinating the expression data of three tissues