An Object Storage implementation example written in Go.
Example is exactly what it sounds like: an example. After creating several other applications, I decided to throw together a little example application that others may enjoy using for learning or contributing. Anyone interested in contributing is welcome to place a pull request.
- Go 1.8
To help people get quickly spun up without invading their computer, there are two methods available to install. The first is a conventional method for those with a setup Go environment while the second is for those without any Go resources or knowledge.
Download and install using the conventional 'go get' method. The second line is for those that want to set a version number.
go get -u
go install -ldflags "-X$VERSION"
On an Ubuntu 16.04 machine with 'wget' and 'git' installed ('sudo apt-get -y install wget git') run the following to install Example inside an empty folder:
mkdir emptyfolder
cd emptyfolder
wget && chmod +x up && ./up setup
If the installation fails for any reason, remove the contents of the folder ('rm -rf *') before trying again.
Example can use, either, environment variables or a YAML file configuration file to assign settings. This section is, again, divided between the Go developer and everyone else.
With the binary now installed in you $PATH, run the following to create a configuration file:
example -c config.yaml init # This will create an empty configuration file.
Configuration file contents with defaults:
filename: example.db
folder: storage
bind: :8080
- database.filename -> Location to put the JSON database.
- storage.folder -> Location of the folder to store files.
- example.bind -> Network binding address. (":8080", "", "")
NOTE: Additionally, configuration can also be set with environment variables as follows (using defaults):
After setting up and saving the configuration file, create your first user as follows (replacing "username" and "password" with your own):
example -c config.yaml user add username password
Configuration consists of adding the first user as follows:
./up init
The command will ask for the username and password of the first user.
Again, running example is slightly different depending on whether the 'up' script is used, so this section is again, divided.
Execute the following command to run as a Go developer:
example -c config.yaml run
Exit using ctrl+c.
Execute the following:
./up run
Exit using ctrl+c
If the automatic script isn't desired, feel free to review the script and perform any necessary steps manually. Additionally, the 'up' script can:
up setup: Create an empty directory. It is okay to have this script in the directory. cd into the directory and execute './up setup'. This will install Go, all Example dependencies and Example.
up init: Performs initial setup routines, including creating a new user.
up update: This will pull down the latest Example code, update dependencies and reinstall Example.
up build: If any changes are made to the source code, this will build it.
up run: Starts the server.
up test: Performs all unit tests on the code.
up wipe: Deletes all files except for the 'up' file.
If there is a desire to make changes to the code that was pulled using the 'up' script, simply source the file and all normal 'go' commands will be available
go run bin/example/main.go -c config.yaml run
For more assistance, see:
example help
example --help
example -help
example -h
example init help # For command-specific help.
The following are a series of commands that can be executed to perform various functions.
Adding a first user:
example --config config.yaml user add yourname yourpassword
Adding more users:
curl --user yourname:yourpassword -X PUT \
--data '{"username":"othername","password":"otherpassword"}' \
# is equally valid.
Update your password:
curl --user yourname:yourpassword -X POST \
--data '{"password":"yournewpassword"}' \
# is equally valid.
Delete another user:
curl --user yourname:yourpassword -X DELETE \
--data '{"username":"othername"}' \
# is equally valid.
Uploading a file:
curl --user yourname:yourpassword --upload-file my.pdf \
-H "Content-Type: application/pdf" \
# is equally valid
Downloading a file:
curl --user yourname:yourpassword \ > their.pdf
# > their.pdf is equally valid
Deleting a file:
curl --user yourname:yourpassword -X "DELETE" \
# is equally valid
Quick code layout explanation:
api -> Everything in this folder relates to the URL address. For example, api/file/get.go refers to a HTTP GET request to http(s)://{host}/api/latest/file/* or http(s)://{host}/api/v1/file/*
bin -> Contains the main.go executable.
cli -> Command-line interface.
config -> Configuration settings for running the application.
database -> Cheesy JSON file database.
lib/authenticate -> Authentication middleware for all requests.
lib/encrypt -> Password encryption package.
lib/exit -> Convenient exit handler.
lib/web -> Convenience wrapper around http.Handler calls. Middleware that closes request bodies and more.
model -> Simplified calls permitting reusable data manipulations.
router -> Handles routing of API calls.
storage -> File system interacting library for Object Storage.
vendor -> Dependencies to ignore.