FAS https://github.com/fashberg/WThermostatBeca forked
from https://github.com/klausahrenberg/WThermostatBeca with some new features.
I have also added some features to fit into my Home Assistant environment.
Additional features (compared to FAS):
- MQTT discovery updated to match Home Assistant requirements
- you can connect a Sensirion SHT31 "Temp & Humidty" Sensor to get additional high accuracy Temp & Humidity information
- D5 = SCL_Pin
- D6 = SDA Pin
- Dewpoint is calculated with SHT31 information
- Additional Sensors are automatically created in Home assistant to show separately:
- IP adress
- Current Temperature
- Target Temperature
- Relay Status (as a temperature, so you can put all into the same HA "History Graph")