Some Dependencies you need:
clone the repository
get the common ruby version e.g. 2.1 at the moment (installation via RVM recommended or according to this post: )
get PostgreSQL 9.3 or a later version
Inside the project folder run:
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
createdb lberg-map_development
bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
Start the App with
rails s
You can access the site in the browser with
You could also develop the app using docker. All you need to do is run those commands in the current directory
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose run lberg-map-web rake db:create
docker-compose run lberg-map-web rake db:migrate
- On a mac you have add the docker-maschine ip to you /etc/hosts to access the app easily DOCKER-MASCHINE-IP
- if you restart the lberg-map-web container make sure to delete the file tmp/pids/
You can enter the admin area with the credentials: User: admin pass: secret