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Spring Boot 1.1 Release Notes

Stéphane Nicoll edited this page Jun 13, 2014 · 32 revisions

Spring Boot 1.1 Release Notes

Upgrading from Spring Boot 1.0

Test dependences

The spring-boot-starter-test POM is no longer automatically included in the spring-boot-starter-parent. Adding default test dependencies to the parent POM seemed like a good idea, unfortunately they couldn’t easily be changed or removed.

When upgrading from 1.0 be sure to add a dependency to spring-boot-starter-test.

Redis Driver

Spring Boot 1.0 used the Lettuce Redis driver. Spring Boot 1.1 instead uses the Jedis driver. This change should be transparent for most users.


The HealthIndicator interface has changed to have a more explicit API: it now always returns a Health instance that has a customisable Status as well as additional contextual information. Health instances returned from all HealthIndicators registered in the ApplicationContext will be aggregated by an implementation of the newly introduced interface HealthAggregator. The default HealthAggregator implementation has a priority order for all the build-in Status types like Status.UP, Status.DOWN or Status.OUT_OF_SERVICE. The order can be configured and extended to support newly introduced custom Status codes.

The /health MVC endpoint can now be configured to return different HTTP status codes for the different Status codes. By default Status.DOWN will create a 503; Status.UP will return 200. The mapping from Status to HttpStatus can also be configured and extended to suit your needs.

The SimpleHealthIndicator class has been renamed to DataSourceHealthIndicator. Additionally we’ve added basic health check support for Mongo, Redis, Rabbit and Apache Solr. When using Spring Boot Actuator those health checks will automatically be added when a data store or messaging system is auto detected. Certainly the creation of health checks can be disabled.

JMS Changes

The JmsTemplate class now defaults pubSubDomain to false rather than true. The JmsTemplateAutoConfiguration class has been renamed to JmsAutoConfiguration. The ActiveMQAutoConfiguration class is now in a activemq sub-package.


The ErrorController interface and related classes have been moved from spring-boot-actuator to spring-boot-autoconfigure. This change should be transparent for most users, however, some package renames have occurred.

Multipart Config

The MultiPartConfigFactory had been renamed to MultipartConfigFactory (note the different case).

Spring Data auto-configuration packages

Spring Data auto-configuration classes have been moved to sub-packages. Most users will not use them directly, but if you reference them via an @EnableAutoConfiguration exclude attribute you may need to change your imports.


Spring Boot now provides Reactor 1.1.2 by default (1.0.x provided Reactor 1.0.1). In Reactor 1.1 the reactor-tcp module has been renamed reactor-net. If you were using reactor-tcp you should update your dependency to use reactor-net instead.

Running your app using Maven

Spring Boot now forks a process to run your app (i.e. using mvn spring-boot:run). This concretely means that command line arguments are no longer available to the application. Check this example for more details.

New and Noteworthy

Version Updates

Several third-party dependencies have been upgraded to align versions with those defined in the upcoming Spring IO Platform release. It is now also possible to use a custom version meta-data file with the Spring Boot Gradle plugin.

Additional Templating Support

There is now support for Freemarker, Groovy and Velocity templates alongside the existing Thymeleaf and JSP support.

Metrics and Health Endpoints

The /metrics actuator endpoint now includes more information, including heap details, class load count, thread information and garbage collection statistics.

The HealthIndicator interface has been improved so that you can register multiple beans. We’ve also added out of the box support for Redis, Mongo and RabbitMQ indicators (alongside the existing JDBC indicator).

Maven Plugin

The Spring Boot Maven plugin now supports excludes which can be used to filter the libraries that bundled as part of your ``fat'' jar. Plugin documentation is now also published as a maven site.

Gradle Plugin

The Spring Boot Gradle plugin now automatically applies exclusion rules based on the spring-boot-dependencies POM. See the reference documentation for details.

Custom Banner

You can now add a custom banner by adding a banner.txt file to your classpath or by setting a banner.location property.

Flyway database migrations

Auto-configuration is now provided for Flyway database migrations.

Liquibase database migrations

Auto-configuration is now provided for Liquibase database migrations.


Mongo auto-configuration has been improved so that you can now inject Mongo, MongoDbFactory or MongoTemplate beans. GridFS support has also been added via an auto-configured GridFsTemplate bean.


A new spring-boot-starter-data-gemfire module is available for Spring Data GemFire support.


Auto-configuration support is now available for the HornetQ JMS broker, along with a new spring-boot-starter-hornetq starter POM. When org.hornetq:hornetq-jms-server is available in the classpath, an embedded HornetQ broker is auto-configured by default. Check the documentation for more details.


Auto-configuration support is now available for Elasticseach, along with a new spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch starter POM.

Apache Solr

Auto-configuration support is now available for Apache Solr, along with a new spring-boot-starter-data-solr starter POM.

Web Improvements

Auto-configuration classes for Spring HATEOAS'' and Spring Data Rest MVC'' have now been added to Spring Boot. Multi-part file upload support has been changed to be enabled by default.

Spring Social

Auto-configuration is now available for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn connectors from Spring Social.

Spring Mobile

Spring Mobile auto-configuration has been updated to include support for SitePreferenceHandler.

Spring Integration

Auto-configuration has been added for Spring Integration. If Spring Integration is on your classpath you will now automatically get @EnableIntegration as well as some Spring Integration JMX beans.


A new spring-boot-starter-ws is available for Spring Web Services support.


Support for the Jackson JSON marshaling library has been improved. You will now get auto-configured beans for Jackson’s ObjectMapper as well as JodaModule and JSR310Module support when appropriate. You can now also add your own Module beans and have them automatically applied.


Support has been added for the Hikari Connection Pool library. Simply ensure that the HikariCP library is on your classpath and that the Tomcat DBCP is not.

New Conditional Annotations

Two new @Conditional annotations have been added to Spring Boot 1.1. @ConditionalOnProperty supports conditionally enabling beans based on the presence of an Environment property and @ConditionalOnJava can be used to enable beans based on the JVM version.

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