- Human Infant Microbiome Dataset ("Babybiome")
- Kudos to Molly K. Gibson for excellent datasharing (Gibson MK, Wang B, Ahmadi S, et al. Developmental dynamics of the preterm infant gut microbiota and antibiotic resistome. Nature microbiology. 2016;1:16024.)
- /src/query.py
- Based on magicBLAST, a new RNAseq BLAST mapper
- /src/coverager.py & /scripts/test_coverager.sh
- Generation of BAMs with magicBLAST mapping to long reads (direct streaming from SRA)
- Building a histogram of read coverage
- Thresholding for uniform deep and broad coverage of long reads with short reads (indicator contigs)
- Using chi-squared test to check for uniformity
- Generating probability of long read in short read set
- Gen. Classifier
- Separation by physiological features
- Male-Female
- Delivery mode
- Probability of gene co-occurrence?