sbt-sam supports the following:
- AWS Lambda with AWS API gateway with optionally Cognito UserPool or Sigv4 (IAM) Authentication,
- AWS Lambda Scheduled events support,
- AWS Lambda CloudWatch events support,
- AWS Lambda S3 Events support,
- AWS Lambda Kinesis support,
- AWS Lambda SNS support,
- AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) support,
- AWS DynamoDB support,
- AWS SNS support,
- AWS Kinesis support,
- AWS S3 support,
- Jenkins/AWS CodeBuild support,
- Scala 2.12 support,
- sbt 1.1.0 support,
- sbt compile/test/package, dependency management & packaging/publishing,
- uses AWS CloudFormation extensively to create/update a component,
comes in the form of an sbt-plugin and libraries, and is published to Bintray jcenter
so you should edit at least two files. The latest version is
Installation of the libraries:
Add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.github.dnvriend" %% "sam-annotations" % "put-latest-version-here"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.dnvriend" %% "sam-lambda" % "put-latest-version-here"
Installation of the sbt-plugin:
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.dnvriend" % "sbt-sam-plugin" % "put-latest-version-here")
resolvers += Resolver.url("bintray-dnvriend-ivy-sbt-plugins", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("dnvriend", "maven")
The following seed projects are available:
- dnvriend/sam-seed.g8: A template for creating public accessible, stateless applications
- dnvriend/sam-scheduled-event-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating schedule driven serverless applications
- dnvriend/sam-dynamodb-seed.g8: A template for quickly creating stateful serverless applications using dynamodb
- dnvriend/sam-dynamodb-scanamo-seed.g8: A template for quickly creating stateful serverless applications using dynamodb and scanamo
- dnvriend/sam-dynamodb-streams-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating stateful serverless applications using dynamodb streams
- dnvriend/sam-sns-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating applications driven by sns async notifications
- dnvriend/sam-kinesis-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating applications that produce data for analytics or data processing.
- dnvriend/sam-data-segment-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating a serverless data-segment leveraging Kappa Architecture.
- dnvriend/sam-schema-repo-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating a serverless avro schema repository.
- dnvriend/sam-microservice-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating serverless event-sourced, dynamodb event-store backed applications.
- dnvriend/sam-schema-definition-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating schema definition projects..
- dnvriend/sam-authorization-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating a serverless authentication and authorization service.
- dnvriend/sam-akka-stream-seed.g8: A template project for creating serverless components with akka-stream.
- dnvriend/sam-s3-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating S3 bucket event handlers.
- dnvriend/sam-cloudwatch-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating CloudWatch event handlers.
- dnvriend/sam-rds-vpc-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating a sam connecting to RDS via a VPC.
- dnvriend/sam-sigv4-seed.g8: A template project for quickly creating sigv4 secured serverless applications.
- sam-mini-platform: A mini platform for ingesting, processing, and analyzing data.
- sam-encryption-test: A small study project on AWS encryption using AWS KMS, AWS Lambda and sbt-sam.
The following tasks are available:
The task samInfo
shows the current state of the component. In future versions, the task will also show the differences between
the component as defined by the project, and the current projection
of the component in AWS:
When there is no projection:
> samInfo
[info] ====================
[info] Stack State:
[info] ====================
[info] Stack 'sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev' is not yet deployed
[info] Lambdas:
[info] Api Http Event Handlers:
[info] * GetPerson: not yet deployed
[info] * PostPerson: not yet deployed
[info] * GetPersonIds: not yet deployed
[info] * GetListOfPerson: not yet deployed
[info] DynamoDB Streams Handlers:
[info] No DynamoDB event handlers configured
[info] Scheduled Event Handlers:
[info] No scheduled event handlers configured
[info] Kinesis Event Handlers:
[info] No kinesis event handlers configured
[info] SNS Event Handlers:
[info] No SNS event handlers configured
[info] DynamoDbTables:
[info] * people_ids: not yet deployed
[info] * people: not yet deployed
[info] SNS Topics:
[info] No topics configured
[info] Kinesis Streams:
[info] No streams configured
[info] Endpoints:
[info] No service endpoint found
[success] Total time: 15 s, completed Dec 25, 2017 9:50:04 AM
When there is a projection:
> samInfo
[info] ====================
[info] Stack State:
[info] ====================
[info] Name: sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev
[info] Description: No description
[info] Status: UPDATE_COMPLETE
[info] Status reason: No status reason
[info] Last updated: Mon Dec 25 09:51:15 CET 2017
[info] ServiceEndpoint:
[info] Lambdas:
[info] Api Http Event Handlers:
[info] * PostPerson:
[info] - Arn: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789:function:sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-PostPerson-1MHJFKIRG9R3E
[info] - Role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-PostPersonRole-O3MLQ6A02WK1
[info] - Handler: com.github.dnvriend.PostPerson::handleRequest
[info] - size: 52396083
[info] - timeout: 300
[info] - memory: 1024
[info] - tracing: Active
[info] - lastmodified: 2017-12-25T08:51:44.641+0000
[info] * GetPerson:
[info] - Arn: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789:function:sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-GetPersonIds-1UFSUY7OHO88E
[info] - Role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-GetPersonIdsRole-1PNBZRCMTUJGU
[info] - Handler: com.github.dnvriend.GetPersonIds::handleRequest
[info] - size: 52396083
[info] - timeout: 300
[info] - memory: 1024
[info] - tracing: Active
[info] - lastmodified: 2017-12-25T08:51:36.510+0000
[info] DynamoDB Streams Handlers:
[info] No DynamoDB event handlers configured
[info] Scheduled Event Handlers:
[info] No scheduled event handlers configured
[info] Kinesis Event Handlers:
[info] No kinesis event handlers configured
[info] SNS Event Handlers:
[info] No SNS event handlers configured
[info] DynamoDbTables:
[info] * people:
[info] - TableName: sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-people
[info] - TableId: 69fc4efe-ebe6-4094-90a8-af014ecf5737
[info] - TableArn: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789:table/sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-people
[info] - Table status: ACTIVE
[info] - Number of items: 0
[info] - TableSizeBytes: 0
[info] - TableCreation: Mon Dec 25 09:51:19 CET 2017
[info] - ProvisionedThroughput: {NumberOfDecreasesToday: 0,ReadCapacityUnits: 1,WriteCapacityUnits: 1}
[info] - KeySchema: [{AttributeName: id,KeyType: HASH}]
[info] - Attribute Definitions: [{AttributeName: id,AttributeType: S}]
[info] - Local Secondary Indexes: null
[info] - Global Secondary Indexes: null
[info] - StreamArn: arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-west-1:123456789:table/sam-dynamodb-streams-seed-dendev-people/stream/2017-12-25T08:51:19.399
[info] - StreamLabel: 2017-12-25T08:51:19.399
[info] - Restore Summary: null
[info] SNS Topics:
[info] No topics configured
[info] Kinesis Streams:
[info] No streams configured
[info] Endpoints:
[info] GET -
[info] POST -
[info] GET -{id}
[info] GET -
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Dec 25, 2017 9:52:35 AM
The task samDeploy
the component to AWS. The samDeploy
task is also used to update
a component.
The samDeploy
task uses a combination of CloudFormation
and the AWS Java SDK in order to control and report about the deployment process and to let
get information about the current component and AWS projection:
> samDeploy
[info] Creating cloud formation stack
[info] CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::S3::Bucket - SbtSamDeploymentBucket - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::S3::Bucket - SbtSamDeploymentBucket - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::S3::Bucket - SbtSamDeploymentBucket - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] CREATE_COMPLETE - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - sam-seed-hello - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[==================================================] 100% Lambda JAR -> S3S3
[info] Updating cloud formation stack
[info] Change set status: CREATE_PENDING - execution status: UNAVAILABLE -
[info] Change set status: CREATE_COMPLETE - execution status: AVAILABLE -
[info] Executing change set: 'sam-change-set6e6d5a3b-da00-4bbe-a2b3-46417e0c0ec2'
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::IAM::Role - HelloLambdaRole - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::IAM::Role - HelloLambdaRole - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Function - HelloLambda - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Function - HelloLambda - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Function - HelloLambda - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi - ServerlessRestApi - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi - ServerlessRestApi - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi - ServerlessRestApi - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionTest - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment - ServerlessRestApiDeploymentad309a696b - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionhello - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionTest - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionhello - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment - ServerlessRestApiDeploymentad309a696b - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment - ServerlessRestApiDeploymentad309a696b - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Stage - ServerlessRestApihelloStage - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Stage - ServerlessRestApihelloStage - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Stage - ServerlessRestApihelloStage - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionTest - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[info] UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionhello - CREATE_COMPLETE -
[success] Total time: 89 s, completed Dec 24, 2017 1:42:25 PM
The task samRemove
removes the component from AWS. It deletes all artifacts uploaded to S3 and removes SNS topics, Tables,
and the deployment S3 bucket:
> samRemove
Deleting artifact version: '5fgiHbqR5Xl2_MUm3RlLC1SXFI7yQkRY'
[info] Deleting cloud formation stack
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionTest - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionhello - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Stage - ServerlessRestApihelloStage - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::S3::Bucket - SbtSamDeploymentBucket - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Stage - ServerlessRestApihelloStage - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::S3::Bucket - SbtSamDeploymentBucket - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment - ServerlessRestApiDeploymentad309a696b - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment - ServerlessRestApiDeploymentad309a696b - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionhello - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Permission - HelloLambdaHelloLambdaPermissionTest - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi - ServerlessRestApi - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi - ServerlessRestApi - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Function - HelloLambda - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::Lambda::Function - HelloLambda - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[info] DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - AWS::IAM::Role - HelloLambdaRole - DELETE_COMPLETE -
[success] Total time: 22 s, completed Dec 24, 2017 1:43:48 PM
The task samLogs
shows the last log output for a selected lambda:
> samLogs CreatePerson
[info] 2017-12-25T19:17:00.125 - REPORT RequestId: cc92212d-e99f-11e7-822c-0310ed4e4ed5 Duration: 164.65 ms Billed Duration: 200 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 151 MB
[info] 2017-12-25T19:17:00.125 - END RequestId: cc92212d-e99f-11e7-822c-0310ed4e4ed5
[info] 2017-12-25T19:17:00.124 - {}
[info] 2017-12-25T19:16:59.958 - START RequestId: cc92212d-e99f-11e7-822c-0310ed4e4ed5 Version: $LATEST
[info] 2017-12-25T19:16:58.344 - REPORT RequestId: c6f81bf6-e99f-11e7-857b-91f7f814692c Duration: 6097.46 ms Billed Duration: 6100 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 151 MB
[info] 2017-12-25T19:16:58.344 - END RequestId: c6f81bf6-e99f-11e7-857b-91f7f814692c
[info] 2017-12-25T19:16:58.241 - {}
[info] 2017-12-25T19:16:52.246 - START RequestId: c6f81bf6-e99f-11e7-857b-91f7f814692c Version: $LATEST
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Dec 25, 2017 7:20:17 PM
sbt-sam can be configured to be used when deploying applications by means of Jenkins. sbt-sam looks at environment variables
for configuration. The most important one is the environment variable SAM_STAGE
, when if set, overrules the samStage
in build.sbt. When Jenkins sets the SAM_STAGE
variable to 'test', then the stage will be test and the naming of the components
will become scoped with 'test'. The SAM_STAGE
variable content has no special meaning for sbt-sam, other than grouping components
The standard resolution for AWS credentials is:
- Environment Variables,
- Java System Properties,
- The AWS credentials file,
- The AWS shared config file,
- Container credentials,
- Instance profile credentials
The following environment variables can be set in the environment eg. build server to set the profile, region and api keys to use:
- AWS_PROFILE - The aws profile to use
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - the aws access key to use
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - the aws secret access key to use
- AWS_REGION - the aws region to use
The following Java System Properties can be set:
- aws.accessKeyId - the aws access key to use
- aws.secretKey - the aws secret access key to use
- aws.region - the aws region to use
The 'default credential profiles' file:
- Place your credentials (API keys here)
- aws_access_key_id
- aws_secret_access_key
- the file can be set with higher restrictions
- AWS clients will only read credential keys here
The 'default cli config' file:
- Place to put credentials and other things
- Don't put credentials here, but you could
- Supported settings are:
- aws_access_key_id: AWS access key
- aws_secret_access_key: AWS secret key
- aws_session_token: AWS session token. A session token is only required if you are using temporary security credentials.
- region: the aws region to use by the client
- output: output format (json, text, or table)
- AWS - Building a Development Workflow for Serverless Applications (March - 2017)
- AWS - Local Testing and Deployment Best Practices for Serverless Applications
- AWS - Security Best Practices for Serverless Applications - 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks
- AWS - Serverless Orchestration with AWS Step Functions
- AWS - Serverless Architectural Patterns and Best Practices
- AWS - Optimizing the Data Tier for Serverless Web Applications
- Github - AWS SAM
- AWS - Deploying Lambda-based Applications
- AWS - CloudFormation concepts
- Lambda Environment Variables
- SAM generates an
resource with a name where thesamStage
was part of the encoded resource name. This name was the result of applying theServerless Transform
. To export the base url of the Api gateway, sbt-sam looked up the name with the encoded stage. The new behavior of CloudFormation is to encode the stageProd
in the name, so sbt-sam now looks for this stage and exports that url to other components.
- Removing check if bucket exists as it conflicts with the workflow
- Merged #99 Encryption at rest for DynamoDB tables
- Merged #100 Encryption at rest for Kinesis Streams
- Merged #101 naming scheme change for resources; this is a breaking change as the resource naming scheme has changed from
- Merged PR #97 'Fail build on CloudFormation error', thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Change iamGetUser in AWS plugin from settingKey to taskKey
- Support Signature Version 4 (sigv4) authentication method for HttpHandlers (Lambdas).
- Added
to sam.conf to set the authorizer type, valid values aresigv4
- Merged PR #93 'Added the possibility to add custom environment varibles via Lightbend config', thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Merged PR #94 'Fixed an issue where env variables were not recognized', thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Merged PR #89 'RDS & Lamda VPC Support', thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Changed the deployment bucket name from 'organizationName-projectName-stage' -> 'organizationName-stage-projectName', please note that this update is a breaking change, as sbt-sam looks for the new deployment bucket name to remove all artifacts,
- added dnvriend/sam-rds-vpc-seed.g8 seed project,
- Merged PR #86 'Added handler for CloudWatch Lambda events', thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Support for S3 Event Sources, see dnvriend/sam-s3-seed.g8 for examples, thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Support for
, an akka streams event processor for Kinesis streams to create a 'FromStream map ToStream' style processor using akka stream declarations, - Support for
, an akka stream based Kinesis Event Handler - Support for
, a KinesisProducer component to produce messages to Kinesis. - Support for
, an SNS TopicProducer component to produce messages to SNS. - Support for
, for getting access to the data stored in S3 objects. - Added the
role to lambdas with no policy (role) annotations.
- Support for akka-stream, see dnvriend/sam-akka-stream-seed.g8 for examples.
- Release error due to bintray errors
- Configurable managed policies on lambdas by setting annotations; no annotations means default full policies
- Support for importing dynamodb tables with 'import' syntax.
- General bug fixing
- Not Released due to bintray errors
- Not Released due to bintray errors
- Support for 'com.github.dnvriend.service.Aggregate', a DynamoDB backed event sourced service that provides support for working with aggregates of any kind, leveraging a State Monad for sequencing aggregate events and computing a final aggregate state. Events are stored in the event store as polymorphic JSON events. For more information take a look at dnvriend/sam-microservice-seed.g8.
- Support for 'DynamoDBJsonWithRangeKeyRepository'
- General bug fixing
- Import of user pools
- General bug fixing
- Support for Kinesis Extended S3 Firehose
- Support for creating data-segments, an element of a data lake leveraging Kappa Architecture
- Merged PR #6: Support for creating & authorizing Cognito User Pool Users, thanks Kevin Kessels!
- Support for creating IAM Roles
- Merged PR #61 - Added cognito support, thanks Martijn van de Grift!
- Support for AWS Cognito user pools
- Support for AWS Cognito Secured API Gateway Endpoints, backed by AWS Lambda
- Support for AWS Encryption SDK
- Two new ApiGatewayHandlers:
- Fix for
that resolved to incorrect cloudformation-create-update flow - HttpHandlers show handlerName and httpMethod and httpPath when calling
- Fix for
- resolving the correct logGroup and logStream for the function,
- showing the logs in ascending order, for use with sbt console logging
- Support for logging lambda log output with
- Two new repositories:
- Two new ApiGatewayHandlers:
- Support for Kinesis Resources
- Support for Kinesis Events
- Fix for resolving scoped DynamoDB table names
- Support for (public/unsecure) API Gateway
- Support for DynamoDB Table Resources
- Support for DynamoDB Streams Events
- Support for SNS Resources
- Support for SNS Events
- Support for Scheduled Events
- Initial release at Bintray jcenter