A test Java GUI (swift) desktop application to manage the most easy transactions.
The application has been built and tested in the following environment:
- Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 65 (JDK 8u65)
- MySQL 5.7.11-log
- Eclipse Mars and Neon.2
The main (and only) feature of the Personal Finance application is adding, deleting and updating transaction records regarding your revenues and expenses.
The application upon being launched simply presents a login page where the user must provide valid credentials in order to access the main form.
The main form presents a list box which details all the transactions stored in the database.
The original idea was to implement also the other three main features th original MS Access had, which are:
- reporting: generate monthly PDF reports
- inquiry: a custom form where the user can perform any kind of inquiry on the stored transactions
- entities management: a custom form where the user can edit categories and reasons of the EER model.
Maybe oneday or another I'll do that, or I'll switch to JavaFX and rebuild the whole thing.
In order to run this application, the following components are required:
- Java Runtime Environment (min. 1.8.0_65)
- MySQL (min. 5.7.11-log)
Import the project in your preferred IDE and run as Java application from there or export the project as a runnable jar and the simply launch it double clicking on it.
This is a test application and by no means it should be run in a production environment. Personal Finance is a test application made by me for learning purposes. It is freely usable by everyone who accepts such poor coding styles. No copyrights or any of that nonsense. I don't assume ANY responsibility for how anyone uses it. Always ski in control (quote : smile :). Comments and questions on github.