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guyuedumingx committed Jan 31, 2023
1 parent 76abd1b commit 1b5c2db
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Showing 45 changed files with 4,707 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions ReverseProxyServer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@


(load-lib "")
261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions ReverseProxyServer/init.mal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
;;global settings
(defmacro! type
(fn* (atom)
(cond (symbol? atom) (prn "symbol")
(string? atom) (prn "string")
(list? atom) (prn "list")
(map? atom) (prn "map")
(vector? atom) (prn "vector")
(sequential? atom) (prn "sequential")
(atom? atom) (prn "atom")
(else (prn "unknown")))))

(defmacro! use
(fn* (& x)
(let* [env (eval (first x)) msg (nth x 1)]
(if (> (count x) 2)
(send-msg env msg (nth x 2))
(send-msg env msg)))))

(defmacro! use-to-mal
(fn* (& x)
(let* [env (eval (first x)) msg (nth x 1)]
(read-string (send-msg env msg)))))

(def! pr-list
(fn* (x)
(if (> (count x) 0)
(prn (first x))
(pr-list (rest x))))))

(defmacro! dotimes
(fn* (xs & body)
(if (> xs 0)
(eval (cons 'do body))
(eval (cons 'dotimes (conj body (- xs 1))))))))

(def! bind-env (fn* [env b e]
(if (empty? b)
(let* [b0 (first b)]
(if (= '& b0)
(assoc env (str (nth b 1)) e)
(bind-env (assoc env (str b0) (first e)) (rest b) (rest e)))))))

(def! new-env (fn* [& args]
(if (<= (count args) 1)
(atom {:outer (first args)})
(atom (apply bind-env {:outer (first args)} (rest args))))))

(def! env-find (fn* [env k]
(env-find-str env (str k))))

;; Private helper for env-find and env-get.
(def! env-find-str (fn* [env ks]
(if env
(let* [data @env]
(if (contains? data ks)
(env-find-str (get data :outer) ks))))))

(def! env-get (fn* [env k]
(let* [ks (str k)
e (env-find-str env ks)]
(if e
(get @e ks)
(str "'" ks "' not found")))))

(def! env-set (fn* [env k v]
(swap! env assoc (str k) v)

(def! car first)
(def! cdr rest)
(def! global (new-env))

(def! python '(localhost 1235))
(def! js '(localhost 1236))
(def! powershell '(localhost 1237))

;; (def! _macro? (fn* [x]
;; (if (map? x)
;; (contains? x :__MAL_MACRO__)
;; false)))

;; (def! core_ns '[* + - / < <= = > >= apply assoc atom atom? concat conj
;; cons contains? count deref dissoc empty? false? first fn? get
;; hash-map keys keyword keyword? list list? map map? meta nil?
;; nth number? pr-str println prn read-string readline reset! rest seq
;; sequential? slurp str string? swap! symbol symbol? throw time-ms
;; true? vals vec vector vector? with-meta])
;; (def! trace (atom ""))

;; ;; read
;; (def! READ read-string)

;; ;; eval

;; (def! qq-loop (fn* [elt acc]
;; (if (if (list? elt) (= (first elt) 'splice-unquote)) ; 2nd 'if' means 'and'
;; (list 'concat (nth elt 1) acc)
;; (list 'cons (QUASIQUOTE elt) acc))))

;; (def! qq-foldr (fn* [xs]
;; (if (empty? xs)
;; ()
;; (qq-loop (first xs) (qq-foldr (rest xs))))))

;; (def! QUASIQUOTE (fn* [ast]
;; (cond
;; (vector? ast) (list 'vec (qq-foldr ast))
;; (map? ast) (list 'quote ast)
;; (symbol? ast) (list 'quote ast)
;; (not (list? ast)) ast
;; (= (first ast) 'unquote) (nth ast 1)
;; "else" (qq-foldr ast))))

;; (def! MACROEXPAND (fn* [ast env]
;; (let* [a0 (if (list? ast) (first ast))
;; e (if (symbol? a0) (env-find env a0))
;; m (if e (env-get e a0))]
;; (if (_macro? m)
;; (MACROEXPAND (apply (get m :__MAL_MACRO__) (rest ast)) env)
;; ast))))

;; (def! eval-ast (fn* [ast env]
;; ;; (do (prn "eval-ast" ast "/" (keys @env)) )
;; (cond
;; (symbol? ast) (env-get env ast)

;; (list? ast) (map (fn* [exp] (EVAL exp env)) ast)

;; (vector? ast) (vec (map (fn* [exp] (EVAL exp env)) ast))

;; (map? ast) (apply hash-map
;; (apply concat
;; (map (fn* [k] [k (EVAL (get ast k) env)])
;; (keys ast))))

;; "else" ast)))

;; (def! LET (fn* [env binds form]
;; (if (empty? binds)
;; (EVAL form env)
;; (do
;; (env-set env (first binds) (EVAL (nth binds 1) env))
;; (LET env (rest (rest binds)) form)))))

;; (def! EVAL (fn* [ast env]
;; ;; (do (prn "EVAL" ast "/" (keys @env)) )
;; (try*
;; (let* [ast (MACROEXPAND ast env)]
;; (if (not (list? ast))
;; (eval-ast ast env)

;; ;; apply list
;; (let* [a0 (first ast)]
;; (cond
;; (empty? ast)
;; ast

;; (= 'def! a0)
;; (env-set env (nth ast 1) (EVAL (nth ast 2) env))

;; (= 'let* a0)
;; (LET (new-env env) (nth ast 1) (nth ast 2))

;; (= 'quote a0)
;; (nth ast 1)

;; (= 'quasiquoteexpand a0)
;; (QUASIQUOTE (nth ast 1))

;; (= 'quasiquote a0)
;; (EVAL (QUASIQUOTE (nth ast 1)) env)

;; (= 'defmacro! a0)
;; (env-set env (nth ast 1) (hash-map :__MAL_MACRO__
;; (EVAL (nth ast 2) env)))

;; (= 'macroexpand a0)
;; (MACROEXPAND (nth ast 1) env)

;; (= 'try* a0)
;; (if (< (count ast) 3)
;; (EVAL (nth ast 1) env)
;; (try*
;; (EVAL (nth ast 1) env)
;; (catch* exc
;; (do
;; (reset! trace "")
;; (let* [a2 (nth ast 2)]
;; (EVAL (nth a2 2) (new-env env [(nth a2 1)] [exc])))))))

;; (= 'do a0)
;; (nth (eval-ast (rest ast) env) (- (count ast) 2))

;; (= 'if a0)
;; (if (EVAL (nth ast 1) env)
;; (EVAL (nth ast 2) env)
;; (if (> (count ast) 3)
;; (EVAL (nth ast 3) env)))

;; (= 'fn* a0)
;; (fn* [& args] (EVAL (nth ast 2) (new-env env (nth ast 1) args)))

;; "else"
;; (let* [el (eval-ast ast env)]
;; (apply (first el) (rest el)))))))

;; (catch* exc
;; (do
;; (swap! trace str "\n in mal EVAL: " ast)
;; (throw exc))))))

;; ;; print
;; (def! PRINT pr-str)

;; ;; repl
;; (def! repl-env (new-env))
;; (def! rep (fn* [strng]
;; (PRINT (EVAL (READ strng) repl-env))))

;; ;; core.mal: defined directly using mal
;; (map (fn* [sym] (env-set repl-env sym (eval sym))) core_ns)
;; (env-set repl-env 'macro? _macro?)
;; (env-set repl-env 'eval (fn* [ast] (EVAL ast repl-env)))
;; (env-set repl-env '*ARGV* (rest *ARGV*))

;; ;; core.mal: defined using the new language itself
;; (rep (str "(def! *host-language* \"" *host-language* "-mal\")"))
;; (rep "(def! not (fn* [a] (if a false true)))")
;; (rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))")
;; (rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")

;; ;; repl loop
;; (def! repl-loop (fn* [line]
;; (if line
;; (do
;; (if (not (= "" line))
;; (try*
;; (println (rep line))
;; (catch* exc
;; (do
;; (println "Uncaught exception:" exc @trace)
;; (reset! trace "")))))
;; (repl-loop (readline "mal-user> "))))))

;; ;; main
;; ;; (if (empty? *ARGV*)
;; ;; (repl-loop "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))")
;; ;; (rep (str "(load-file \"" (first *ARGV*) "\")")))


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