This tag lib allows you to access the i18next t()
function from your request
object (if for example you're using i18next Express middleware) in your
templates if streaming to a response using the template.render()
template.render({}, res);
npm install marko-i18next
Example locales file (namespace.json
"message": "Hi guys",
"interpolatedMessage": "Hi {{name}}",
"submit": "Submit form",
"nameSubmit": "Submit form for {{name}}"
In a Marko template:
<i18n-message key="namespace:message"/>
With interpolated strings:
<i18n-message key="namespace:interpolatedMessage" name="Hammond Eggs"/>
You can also add the translation function to your template by including
at the top of the file. This is useful for assigning i18n
messages to attributes:
<input type="submit" value=i18n('namespace:submit')/>
With interpolated strings:
<input type="submit" value=i18n('namespace:nameSubmit', {name: 'George'})/>
Do a pull request, I'll have a look!