The CSS switcher addon will add a button to your stories toolbar allowing you to switch CSS files during runtime. The CSS files must be loadable per HTTP during runtime, so either provide them thru a static asset directory or on a different host.
When switching the CSS files, a <link>
tag is dynamically added/modified within the story iframe, while the CSS in the first option will be loaded by default.
First, install the package.
npm install --save-dev @gridscale/storybook-addon-cssswitch
Then, register it as an addon in .storybook/main.js
// .storybook/main.ts
// Replace your-framework with the framework you are using (e.g., react-webpack5, vue3-vite)
import type { StorybookConfig } from '@storybook/your-framework';
const config: StorybookConfig = {
// of config
addons: [
'storybook-addon-cssswitch', // 👈 register the addon here
export default config;
The primary way to use this addon is to define the cssswitch
parameter in the preview.ts file. In the option you define
the identifier of the CSS (displayed in the dropdown)
the URL of the CSS (must be available on runtime)
a background color which will be applied to the story preview when this css is loaded and is also used for the icon in the dropdown
// preview.ts
const preview: Preview = {
parameters: {
// [...]
cssswitch: {
options: {
light: { name: 'light', value: '/assets/variables_light.css', backgroundColor: '#F8F8F8' },
dark: { name: 'dark', value: '/assets/variables_dark.css', backgroundColor: '#080808' },
export default preview;