Flight component loader.
Component path and config mapping.
Optional. Target alias and media query mapping.
Require Wings to create Component instances.
function (wings) {
var modules = {
'path/to/your/flight/component': {
enabled: true,
options: {},
selector: document,
targets: {}
[, another component to load]
[, another component to load]
[, ... ]
targets = {
smalldevice: 'only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 767px)'
wings(modules, targets);
Create Component instance and attach to selected DOM node.
'path/to/your/flight/component': {
selector: '#foo'
Create Component instance with options and attach to selected DOM node.
'path/to/your/flight/component': {
options: {
color: '#fff'
selector: '#foo'
Create multiple Component instances with respective options and DOM nodes.
'path/to/your/flight/component': [
options: {
color: '#fff'
selector: '#foo'
options: {
color: '#000'
selector: '#foo2'
Prevent Component from being created.
'path/to/your/flight/component': {
enabled: false
'path/to/your/flight/component': false
Create Component instance with "smalldevice" target override.
'path/to/your/flight/component': {
options: {
color: '#fff'
selector: '#foo',
targets: {
smalldevice: {
options: {
color: '#000'
selector: '#boo'
Create Component instance ONLY when the target matches the "smalldevice" media query.
'path/to/your/flight/component': {
enabled: false,
targets: {
smalldevice: {
enabled: true,
options: {
color: '#000'
selector: '#boo'