- 954fa75: Add Recipe Generator sample application to examples (#84) (@techmaharaj)
- 701b9c8: Add vision usecase (#98) (@cjellick)
- 46e0f13: Create README-USECASES.md (#90) (@sheng-liang)
- 3623521: Delete examples/edit.gpt (#87) (@cjellick)
- 7e00a8e: Drop unneeded code as vision is being moved to a tool (@ibuildthecloud)
- 1db7708: Ignore common node and python files (#97) (@cjellick)
- 046d340: Refactor client code to make way for additionl AI API backends (@ibuildthecloud)
- 5a91c64: enhance - add sys.file.stat built in tool (@cloudnautique)
- c8eae2a: enhance: add support for azure deployment name mapping (#78) (@keyallis)
- 90e52e4: enhance: synchronize file manipulation for built-ins (@njhale)
- a2daea4: feat: add sys.append built-in (@njhale)
- b1db1e2: feat: refactor docs and add content around tools and authoring (@tylerslaton)
- 0bafbaa: fix: add a timeout to builtin HTTP functions (@g-linville)
- d4981fa: style: remove unnecessary log formatting calls (@njhale)