This is the code for the Gourab Home Page.
This is my home page based on Yevgeniy Brikman Home Page. Check out Migrating from Blogger to GitHub Pages and launching the new for background info.
Install prerequisites.
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev node.js zlib1g-dev
sudo gem install bundler
cd /path/to/this-repo
bundle install
Check out your blog before committing and pushing your changes.
bundle exec jekyll serve
Go to http://localhost:4000
to test.
See the Jekyll and GitHub Pages documentation for more info.
As an alternative to installing Ruby and Jekyll, if you're a user of Docker and Docker Compose, you can run a Docker image of that has all the dependencies already setup for you.
git clone
docker-compose up
Go to http://localhost:4000
to test.
- Built with Jekyll. This website is completely static and I use basic HTML or Markdown for everything.
- Hosted on GitHub Pages. I'm using the GitHub Pages Gem and only Jekyll plugins that are available on GitHub Pages.
- The design is loosely based on Kasper, Pixyll, and Medium.
- I used Basscss, Sass, Font Awesome Icons, Hint.css,and Google Fonts for styling.
- I used jQuery, lazySizes, and responsive-nav.js for behavior.
- I added Disqus as a commenting system.
This code is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.