Added watchdog thread to help monitor for Santa performance issues.
Preparation for the release of 10.11. As /usr/libexec and /usr/sbin can no longer be written to, instead store Santa's binaries inside the kernel extension bundle and add a symlink for santactl in /usr/local.
Fixed a few occasional bugs in SantaGUI (reconnection bug) and config file watcher (runaway memory use if file is missing)
- GUI: Add close button to window
- GUI: Restore constraint on Dismiss button on message window to pull it to center if event detail URL is missing
- GUI: Prevent reconnection loop if XPC connection dies
- santactl: Update help/error wordings
- santactl: Fix event counting bug in status command
- santad: Add watchdog monitoring thead
- santad: More caching in SNTFileInfo to improve performance
- santad: Fix memory 'leak' in SNTFileWatcher that causes runaway memory use if file is missing