An Ansible role that installs Apache Zookeeper in either a standalone or replicated environment. Test with Zookeeper version 3.6.1.
You must be running a Linux OS that has systemd enabled by default (CentOS 7, CentOS 8, Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04).
Name of system host group in /etc/ansible/hosts to automatically configure the replicated environment.
zookeeper_ansible_host_group: zookeeper
Variable name of the Ansible fact to be used in conf/zoo.conf to define the servers in the cluster.
zookeeper_server_variable: ansible_ssh_host
Version of Zookeeper to install.
zookeeper_version: 3.4.7
tickTime variable in conf/zoo.cfg.
zookeeper_tick_time: 2000
initLimit variable in conf/zoo.cfg.
zookeeper_init_limit: 10
syncLimit variable in conf/zoo.cfg.
zookeeper_sync_limit: 5
Directory where Zookeeper data is stored.
zookeeper_data_dir: /tmp/zookeeper/
Zookeeper client port.
zookeeper_client_port: 2181
maxClientCnxns variable in conf/zoo.cfg.
zookeeper_max_client_cnxns: 60
Directory where Zookeeper logs are stored.
zookeeper_log_dir: /tmp/
Example zookeeper_playbook.yml:
- hosts: zookeeper
sudo: yes
zookeeper_version: 3.6.1
- zookeeper
Example /etc/ansible/hosts:
zookeeper-0 zookeeper_id=0
zookeeper-1 zookeeper_id=1
zookeeper-2 zookeeper_id=2
Kevin Coakley (