This is a PHP7.4 - Symfony 5 boilerplate/example for JSON REST APIs, backend services, microservices or console/terminal applications. It's focused on simplicity, decoupling from infrastructure (Hexagonal Architecture) and Domain Driven Design.
Ideas and Feature Requests are welcomed!
- PHP-FPM 7.4
- Symfony 5.2.*
- Docker & Docker Compose (Alpine, NGINX, php-fpm, supervisord ...)
- Rabbitmq/AMQP integration with Symfony Messenger component
- Good practices: DDD (Domain Driven Design), Bounded Contexts, SOLID principles, TDD&BDD...
- Work in progress...
PHPStan (PHP Static Analysis)
PHPMD (PHP Mess Detector)
PHP-CS-Fixer (PHP Coding Standards Fixer)
PHPUnit (Testing framework for PHP)
Behat (Behavior-Driven Development framework)
- Integration (Code coverage)
Install composer vendors
$ composer install
Copy .env
to .env.local
to override environment variables
You have to install Symfony CLI locally to run dev server (
$ composer dev
$ symfony server:start -d
Development endpoint is:
HealtCheck Endpoint is:
$ composer phpstan
$ composer phpmd
Note: Starting local server is not needed to run tests (including e2e api tests) due
to Symfony application bootstraping in tests/src/bootstrap.php
file and Mink Extension. This is fine to work with CI tools such as Github Actions or Jenkins pipelines.
$ composer tests
or separately
$ composer behat
$ composer phpunit
You can build and run locally the application stack with Docker Compose (php-fpm app + nginx + rabbitmq). A shared volume between code and containers will be created (Check docker-compose.yaml).
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
You can stop the stack and remove containers:
$ docker-compose down
The application endpoint is running at: http://localhost:8081
If you are using Docker Compose runtime during development, be sure you have created the following environment variables:
#.env file
Once Rabbitmq cluster is created and running, run this command to start the async message consumer (We use Symfony Messenger implementation):
# Start listening messages (consumer)
$ docker exec -it myphp-ddd-demo php bin/console messenger:consume async
# Stop consumer
$ docker exec -it myphp-ddd-demo php bin/console messenger:stop
Also, you can access the RabbitMQ's management UI through: http://localhost:15672 using the provided credentials.
If you want to build the standalone application container (running php-fpm on port 9000/tcp).
Note: you will need a fast-cgi proxy like Apache or NGINX (
$ docker build -t myphp-ddd-demo .
$ docker run --rm -d -p 9000:9000 \
--name myphp-ddd-demo myphp-ddd-demo
In etc/ you can find default configuration files for php7.4, php-fpm, nginx, rabbitmq and supervisor. If you want to extend or customize that, you can do so by mounting a configuration file in the correct folder.
- Adds DDD/Hexagonal architecture with shared bounded context
- Adds Github CI + CI testings
- Docker for local development (Docker Compose)
- RabbitMQ, Symfony Messenger, DDD-integration
- Better documentation
- AWS CodeBuild yaml specification (buildspec)
- Kubernetes manifests.