Tool to find the best dividends for a maximum passive income in 30y
- Create a OAUTH2 credential id (Free):
- Create a fixer-io account (Free):
- Create an alpha vantage account (Free):
- Copy the webapp/src/environments/ to
- Replace your values there
- copy config.json.template to config.json and and add information in the new file
- create a database and insert for the structure the SQL from file db.init.sql
- create a row in table users with your e-mail and google unique id (this is a 21(?) digits long number)
- cd webapp
- ng build [--watch=true]
- cd ..
- npm start -- dev
- call http://localhost:8080
- cd webapp
- ng build --prod
- cd ..
- gcloud app deploy [--project=PROJECT_ID]
- see url from output
- see logs with: gcloud app logs tail -s default
- gcloud app deploy cron.yaml
- see [[ ]]