Check JavaScript files with eslint and gobble
First, you need to have gobble installed - see the gobble readme for details. This plugin requires gobble 0.8 or higher. Then,
npm i -D gobble-eslint
var gobble = require( 'gobble' );
module.exports = gobble( 'src/js' ).observe( 'eslint', {
// if `true`, errors will not cause the whole build to fail
reportOnly: false,
// you can supply your own reporter - it should take an array
// of { filename, messages } objects
reporter: myCustomReporter,
// all other options are eslint options
rules: {
/* eslint rules */
In this example, whenever files in src/js
change, they will be linted.
If no eslint options are supplied with the second argument, gobble-eslint will use the nearest .eslintrc
file instead (this is recommended). See the eslint website for documentation on the options you can specify.
To skip linting when a particular condition is not met, use .observeIf()
module.exports = gobble( 'src/js' )
.observeIf( gobble.env() !== 'production', 'eslint', {...});
MIT. Copyright 2014 Rich Harris