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Merge pull request #8 from gmalecha/notations
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Use String Notations instead of dependent types
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gmalecha authored Apr 1, 2020
2 parents 491666d + 53aadd8 commit 1f1f14b
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Showing 9 changed files with 240 additions and 159 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
# Next

- Add notations for format strings (`Format.t`)
- `sprintf` and `sscanf` now take a format string of type `Format.t` instead of `string`
- No longer compatible with 8.8 and 8.9

# 1.0.1

- Add `sscanf`
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions _CoqProject
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test-suite/TestPrintf.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.NArith.NArith.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Printf.Digits.
Require Import Printf.Printf.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions theories/Digits.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,3 +108,18 @@ Definition string_of_digits (digit : N -> ascii) : digits -> string :=

Definition string_of_N (base : N) (digit : N -> ascii) (n : N) : string :=
string_of_digits digit (digits_of_N base n).

Definition binary_string (n : N) :=
string_of_N 2 binary_ascii n.

Definition hex_string (n : N) :=
string_of_N 16 hex_ascii n.

Definition hex_string_upper (n : N) :=
string_of_N 16 hex_ascii_upper n.

Definition octal_string (n : N) :=
string_of_N 8 octal_ascii n.

Definition decimal_string (n : N) :=
string_of_N 10 decimal_ascii n.
134 changes: 0 additions & 134 deletions theories/Format.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,30 +4,8 @@ Require Import Coq.NArith.NArith.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Printf.Flags.

(** ** Error handling in dependent types *)

(** This tagged unit type indicates an error in the computation of a type. *)
Variant tyerror {A : Type} (a : A) : Set := Invalid.

(** Construct a dependent type from a computation which may fail. *)
Definition for_good {E R : Type} (er : E + R) (k : R -> Type) : Type :=
match er with
| inl e => tyerror e
| inr r => k r

(** Apply a dependent function to the result of a computation when it is successful. *)
Definition on_success {E R : Type} {er : E + R} {k : R -> Type} (f : forall r, k r)
: for_good er k :=
match er with
| inl e => Invalid e
| inr r => f r

(** ** String utilities *)

Local Infix "::" := String : string_scope.

Definition ascii_digit (c : ascii) : nat :=
(if c =? "1" then 1
else if c =? "2" then 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,118 +58,6 @@ Inductive t : Type :=
| Hole : type -> options -> t -> t

Variant spec_state : Type :=
| Flags
| Width
| TySpec (t : number_dectype)

(** Parser state machine. *)
Variant state : Type :=
| Ini (* Initial state *)
| Spec (j : spec_state) (o : options) (* Parsing specifier *)
(* [j]: inner specifier parsing state *)
(* [o]: currently accumulated options *)

(** Parser error: dump the remaining string, that serves to locate the error. *)
Variant error : Type :=
| ErrorAt (i : state) (s : string)

Definition digit1to9 (c : ascii) : bool :=
(c =? "1")%char ||
(c =? "2")%char ||
(c =? "3")%char ||
(c =? "4")%char ||
(c =? "5")%char ||
(c =? "6")%char ||
(c =? "7")%char ||
(c =? "8")%char ||
(c =? "9")%char.

Definition isFlagsOrWidth (j : _) : bool :=
match j with
| Flags | Width => true
| TySpec _ => false

Definition isWidth (j : _) : bool :=
match j with
| Width => true
| Flags | TySpec _ => false

Definition isFlags (j : _) : bool :=
match j with
| Flags => true
| Width | TySpec _ => false

(** Parse string [s] in state [i] into a format which is passed to the final
continuation [k], or return an error. *)
Local Fixpoint parse_ {r : Type} (i : state) (k : t -> r) (s0 : string)
: error + r :=
match i, s0 with
(* The initial state looks for ["%"], indicating a specifier,
and keeps the rest as literal. *)
| Ini, ""%string => inr (k Empty)
| Ini, c :: s =>
if (c =? "%")%char then
let continue (_ : unit) := parse_ (Spec Flags default_options) k s in
match s with
| c' :: s =>
if (c' =? "%")%char then parse_ Ini (fun fmt => k (Literal "%" fmt)) s
else continue tt
| _ => continue tt
parse_ Ini (fun fmt => k (Literal c fmt)) s

| Spec _ _, ""%string => inl (ErrorAt i s0)
| Spec j o, a :: s =>
(* When parsing a specifier, the next character is either:
- a specifier character, then update the format and go back to the initial state;
- or a flag (or width) character, then update the options accordingly. *)
let specifier (t : type) := parse_ Ini (fun fmt => k (Hole t o fmt)) s in
let flag (j : spec_state) (o : options) := parse_ (Spec j o) k s in
let typ (t : number_dectype) := parse_ (Spec (TySpec t) o) k s in
let number b := Number b
match j with
| TySpec t => t
| _ => T_Nat
end in
if a =? "s" then specifier String
else if a =? "c" then specifier Char
else if a =? "b" then specifier (number Binary)
else if a =? "o" then specifier (number Octal)
else if a =? "d" then specifier (number Decimal)
else if a =? "x" then specifier (number HexLower)
else if a =? "X" then specifier (number HexUpper)
else if a =? "N" then typ T_N
else if a =? "Z" then
match j, s with
| (Flags | Width), c :: s => if c =? "d"%char then parse_ Ini (fun fmt => k (Hole SDecimal o fmt)) s
else inl (ErrorAt i s0)
| _, _ => inl (ErrorAt i s0)
else if ((digit1to9 a && isFlagsOrWidth j) || ((a =? "0")%char && isWidth j))%bool then
flag Width (update_option_width o (ascii_digit a))
match j with
| Flags =>
if a =? "-" then flag Flags (update_option_justify o LeftJustify)
else if a =? "+" then flag Flags (update_option_sign o true)
else if a =? " " then flag Flags (update_option_space o true)
else if a =? "#" then flag Flags (update_option_prefix o true)
else if a =? "0" then flag Flags (update_option_zero_pad o true)
else inl (ErrorAt i s0)
| _ => inl (ErrorAt i s0)

Definition parse : string -> error + t := parse_ Ini id.

Definition dectype_type (t : number_dectype) : Type :=
match t with
| T_Nat => nat
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions theories/FormatNotations.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(** * Notations for [Format.t] *)

(** Reexport only the notations. *)

Require Import Printf.Format.
Require Import Printf.FormatParser.

Declare Scope fmt_scope.
Delimit Scope fmt_scope with fmt.
Bind Scope fmt_scope with Format.t.

String Notation Format.t parse_opt print : fmt_scope.

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