#ShopTalk Demo Application
ShopTalk is a demonstration mashup app that melds the VOIP services of CloudVox and the APIs provided by Shopify for 3rd Party app development.
Both are really cool services
In a nutshell a Shopify customer, a shop owner, can add the ShopTalk application to their shop and gain the ability to phone into that shop from a land line. In the current incarnation the caller, after identifying using an access code, is able to access the running total for orders placed in the shop that day.
The procedure for trying out this code yourself involves creating both a free CloudVox account and a Shopify developer API account. The application must be publicly available to work and I've include instructions for hosting the app on Heroku. Using Heroku is the easiest way I've found to get up and running quickly.
Sign up for a free CloudVox account and create a voice application
after signup create an application (mine is called ShopTalk)
make note of the application phone # and extension
to make free calls to your application you need to set up a Sip phone that talks to your Cloudvox account
I used X-Lite 4 (beta).
Sign up as a Shopify developer (also free)
create a Shopify application (mine was amazingly called ShopTalk)
make note of the API key and secret
fork this project on GitHub
clone it into your local environment
get the Heroku gem
create the app using the gem
deploy the app using Git
heroku rake db:migrate
Set config variables (Shopify API key and secret + Cloudvox app)
heroku config:add \ SHOPIFY_API_KEY=your-key \ SHOPIFY_API_SECRET=your-secret SHOPTALK_LINE=your-cloudvox-phone-number-and-extension
Make note of the hostname Heroku assigned to your application
> heroku info
add the post install callback url to your application running on Heroku
When calls arrive a call plan is loaded from your application via an HTTP GET
Enter the url to your application on Heroku. like this...
Create a Test Shop in Shopify and add your ShopTalk application to it
Log in to the test shop as admin
Add some orders to your test shop.
Without logging out of the test shop, go to your app on heroku
Enter the url of your shopify test shop and you will be redirected back to the heroku app
Make note of the access code that is displayed on the ShopTalk homepage after installation
Dial the phone number of your Cloudvox application using your Sip phone
When prompted, enter the access code you wrote down earlier
Listen as the app reads to you information about orders created today.
Here is a recording I made of the app running
Feel free to leave a comment at that link.